The Smart Guide To Wedding Weekend Events (Smart Guides) Review

The Smart Guide To Wedding Weekend Events (Smart Guides)
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This is a *terrific* collection of ideas for planning lots of fun events all around a wedding. With guests traveling from so far away to attend the Big Day, especially in this economy, it's wonderful when the hosts plan additional fun activities like barbecues and events for kids.
This book goes beyond anything I've seen on wedding websites with completely new ideas, like culinary tours, trips to special museum exhibits, shopping sprees at the outlets, and active events like going mountain biking. Each event's theme has lots of menu ideas, drink ideas, desserts, games, and other ideas on a budget. As a mom, I found lots of ideas for events that I could plan, like an after-party for *our* friends while the youngsters went off to their after-party. We wanted to treat our friends and family to a great time, and this book made it happen!
Oh, and I didn't see the typos that the other reviewer here mentioned...there's always some spacing issues with Kindle, but when you look at what the author *wrote* as the real treat of a book, this book is excellent. Highly recommended no matter what style of wedding you're having!

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The wedding itself may be the centerpiece of the wedding weekend, but when friends and family travel into town to share the bride and groom's joy, they're equally excited to socialize with loved ones they don't get to see very often. That's why Wedding Weekend Events have become a new Must in wedding planning, with additional special events planned for the day before and the days after the wedding. In this essential guidebook, you'll find a wide variety of wedding weekend event styles, such as welcome cocktail parties, sporting events such as softball and tennis tournaments, tours, shopping sprees, spa days, and other parties and gatherings that everyone will love and that give the bride and groom additional time to spend with their friends and family. You'll also find creative planning ideas, money-saving tips, resources, worksheets and real-life stories of fantastic wedding weekend events that inspire your own plans. As host of a spectacular wedding weekend event, you add to the bride and groom's unforgettable wedding memories and provide very special events for families and friends to share.

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Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2009 Review

Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2009
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Another great collection of reviews by Mr. Ebert. I love his writing style, because it's easy to read, and easy to understand where he's coming from, even if you don't agree. That alone makes him a rare find.

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Nobody has been more important in telling Americans why we should love film than Roger Ebert." --Michael Shamberg, Editor and PublisherPulitzer Prize-winning film critic Roger Ebert presents more than 650 full-length critical movie reviews, along with interviews, essays, tributes, film festival reports, and Q and As from Questions for the Movie Answer Man.Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2009 collects more than two years' worth of his engaging film critiques. From Bee Movie to Darfur Now to No Country for Old Men, and from Juno to Persepolis to La Vie en Rose, Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2009 includes every review Ebert has written from January 2006 to June 2008.Also included in the Yearbook, which boasts 65 percent new content, are:* Interviews with newsmakers, such as Juno director Jason Reitman and Jerry Seinfeld, a touching tribute to Deborah Kerr, and an emotional letter of appreciation to Werner Herzog.* Essays on film issues, and tributes to actors and directors who died during the year.* Daily film festival reports from Cannes, Toronto, Sundance, and Telluride.* All-new questions and answers from his Questions for the Movie Answer Man columns.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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Frommer's California 2010 (Frommer's Complete Guides) Review

Frommer's California 2010 (Frommer's Complete Guides)
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This book has VERY FEW maps of cities and towns. It does not contain enough details to take you through a day in any destination. Often, if a landmark or destination is described there is no address or information about how to get there. The few colored photos and vague maps at the front began tearing out after just a few days of gentle use. Also, very few restaurants and lodgings are listed for each site, and those which are happen to be overpriced - just like the book itself. After traveling to various continents over the past few years using Lonely Planet, this Frommer's guide was a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT.

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Completely updated every year, Frommer's California features gorgeous color photos of the sights and experiences that await you.
authors hit all the highlights, from Wine Country to the National Parks. They've checked out all the city's best hotels and restaurants in person, and offer authoritative, candid reviews that will help you find the choices that suit your taste and budget.
You'll also get up-to-the-minute coverage of shopping and nightlife in LA; in-depth coverage of wineries; detailed walking tours of San Francisco; accurate neighborhood maps; and advice on planning a successful family vacation.
Frommer's California also includes a color fold-out map.

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Getting the part - Thirty-Three Professional Casting Directors Tell You How to Get Work in Theater, Films, and TV (Softcover) Review

Getting the part - Thirty-Three Professional Casting Directors Tell You How to Get Work in Theater, Films, and TV (Softcover)
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This book was by far the best I have read on auditions. It let me know how to act and what to do and not do to get a directors attention. I reccomend this book to anyone and everyone who are looking for an acting job.

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"At last, an in-depth book about the casting process that tells actors what it is like to be on the other side of the desk, and a must read for the aspiring casting director!" -Marilyn Henry, coauthor, How to Be a Working Actor

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Explorer's Guide Salt Lake City, Park City, Provo & Utah's High Country Resorts: A Great Destination (Second Edition) (Explorer's Great Destinations) Review

Explorer's Guide Salt Lake City, Park City, Provo and Utah's High Country Resorts: A Great Destination (Second Edition)  (Explorer's Great Destinations)
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This book looked perfect for our week-long trip to Park City this summer, but I ended up finding much more relevant information on the internet and through visitor centers. Not one travel decision we made during the entire week was influenced by this book--and I read it cover to cover. It summarizes a lot of available things to do, but it doesn't rate things to give you an idea of what would be worthwhile to do. We didn't use any of the outdoors stuff since we went during the summer and the summer activities were too old for our 2-year old and 4-year old. The introductions to each section were interesting, but fairly Morman-biased (expected, I guess). Anyway, I had modest hopes for this book, but they were not fulfilled. It was a waste of money for me.

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An updated edition of the most comprehensive guide to the area, full of spectacular scenery and ripe for outdoor adventure.
In this definitiveguide to Utah's WasatchRegion, entertainmentabounds, from the ski slopesof Park City to the theatersof Salt Lake. Set against thestunning backdrop of theRockies' impressive peaks,this region offers the perfectpairing of outdoor escapesand urban options-withconvenience, accessibility, and affordability. Black-and-white photographs throughout

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Click here for more information about Explorer's Guide Salt Lake City, Park City, Provo & Utah's High Country Resorts: A Great Destination (Second Edition) (Explorer's Great Destinations)


The Cheap Bastard's Guide to Miami: Secrets of Living the Good Life--For Less Review

The Cheap Bastard's Guide to Miami: Secrets of Living the Good Life--For Less
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As a Miami native, this book is incredibly helpful. All of my favorite places are included plus so many others that I never knew about. Always great to find cheap, good new places. A MUST read if you are visiting on a budget or living in Miami.

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Living big-for less-in Miami Living big in Miami takes just the sort of big bucks that fewer and fewer folks have at their disposal these days, right? Think again. Miami is full of free and ridiculously cheap stuff-one just needs to know where to look. Leave it to "The Cheap Bastard" to uncover all the ins and outs and exclusive bargains to be had, and to set forth the real deal with wit and humor. The Cheap Bastard's Guide to Miami contains hundreds of ideas for living on the cheap without sacrificing necessities or luxuries. It shows:• How to gain free entrance to plays, films, concerts, and museums• Where to find free classes in anything from yoga to sailing• Where to find half-price meals and free, filling, scrumptious food• How to get a discount haircut, color treatment, manicure, or massage• When and where to find great furnishings in other people's trashWith The Cheap Bastard's Guide to Miami, anyone-from students and recent graduates to frugal businesspeople, not to mention the counntry's millions of recession-weary annual visitors-can enjoy the good life . . . for less!

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Guerrilla P.R.: How You Can Wage an Effective Publicity Campaign...Without Going Broke Review

Guerrilla P.R.: How You Can Wage an Effective Publicity Campaign...Without Going Broke
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I have had the good fortune of working with some of the top publicists in the country over the last 22 years, and wish that I could have read this book first. It would have made me much more effective in working with them, and also could have avoided a lot of their fees.
The advice is sound, based on my own experiences with a 37 city book tour in 1999. What it took me 37 cities to learn, you could glean from just reading this book. I envy you this opportunity.
Whatever your budget or appetite for public relations, the book will help you design and implement an effective program. It covers all of the basics, except for the Internet (which wasn't really a factor when this book was written). You will learn how to put out a press release, hold a press conference, do interviews, and create media events. Most of these things can be done relatively inexpensively, certainly at lower cost than with advertising.
I especially liked the high ethical standards that the book sets. It's easy to cut corners, but that is both wrong and eventually becomes ineffective.
May your 15 minutes of fame come soon as a result!
Seriously, public relations is a highly effective way to introduce potential customers to your products or services. It serves a good secondary purpose of helping you think through your message and who your audience is. This book does a good job of giving you questions to help you do both of these tasks. Follow this advice, and your business should be more successful within a year. Remember Mr. Levine's advice though, it's quality . . . not quantity . . . that counts.

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The manifesto for waging a street-smart publicity campaign with no- or low-cost strategies from one of Hollywood's most successful publicists.

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The Rough Guide to Miami & South Florida 2 E (Rough Guide Travel Guides) Review

The Rough Guide to Miami  and  South Florida 2 E (Rough Guide Travel Guides)
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Looking for a travel guide, you are probably looking for a few things. Easy to understand, sure. But you also want a good balance between giving you plenty of useful information without bogging you down with so much that it becomes impossible to tell what really is worth checking out from what is not worth the bother. This Rough Guide to Miami fits the bill.
Primarily broken down by areas of the city such as Little Havana, downtown, the various neighborhoods of Miami Beach, Coral Gables, Coconut Grove and Key Biscayne, the Rough Guide also gives good information on nearby cities such as Fort Lauderdale and Key West. The book points you, time and time again, to those spots that are a touch interesting for one reason or another. It also gives solid info on the spots to hit for dining, shopping and so forth.
Of course, given the dynamic nature of any decent city, certain information, especially in an area such as restaurants, becomes outdated relatively quickly. But, also of course, certain institutions have been there a while and will continue to be there for some time. The Forge, Joe's Stone Crab (both on the pricier side) and Big Pink (for the little folks like me) aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Nonetheless, I would always suggest augmenting a book such as this with basic information from the internet.
The maps in the book are very good, and I found them much better than the Time Out edition on Miami (that actually can be said for the books as a whole, by the way, although Time Out is still pretty good). In fact, although I bought this guide when I moved to South Florida, I like it enough that I will buy this same publisher's guide to Buenos Aires for my upcoming trip there.

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The Rough to Miami & Southern Florida is the definitive guide to the ever-emerging city of Miami and the hot and happening Southern Florida. Covering the Cuban must-sees like Little Havana, the non-stop party scene in South Beach, and the artsy enclave of the Biscayne Corridor, it also features in-depth coverage of the glorious Florida Keys. The only guide to this region which has a dedicated full-length chapter on Fort Lauderdale, The Rough Guide to Miami and South Florida is fully updated, with expanded listings of restaurants, accommodation, and nightlife for all budgets, and everything from art museums to sun drenched beaches. You'll find two full-colour sections that highlight Miami's eye-catching architecture, and "Miami Vices," including its trendy clubs, festivals and fashion. Make the most of your time with The Rough Guide to Miami & Southern Florida.

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The American Dream: Walking in the Shoes of Carnies, Arms Dealers, Immigrant Dreamers, Pot Farmers, and Christian Believers Review

The American Dream: Walking in the Shoes of Carnies, Arms Dealers, Immigrant Dreamers, Pot Farmers, and Christian Believers
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Leon's shtick is to adopt a persona and "infiltrate" unsuspecting organizations by posing as a potential member - with madcap results. In past outings, Leon has worked as a bounty hunter, dined with white supremacists, partied with Promise Keepers and even co-hosted a DVD prank show with O.J. Simpson.
Here, Leon rubs elbows with folks in search of the American Dream, be it carnival workers in the Midwest, pot farmers in northern California, would-be immigrants in Mexico and suburban swingers. He even gets outed - for the first time in his career - at a celebrity impersonator convention, proving that it takes a fake to spot a fake.
Beneath all the humor is a human touch. While mocking the absurdity of particular groups and situations, Leon's writing shows a fondness or at least appreciation for his subjects, be they fundamentalist Christians or carnies running the ring toss. He even lets his targets have their say, introducing each chapter with an essay from a member of the community he's infiltrated-including one penned by Boulder-based Ozzy Osbourne impersonator Don Wrege.
Best tidbit: Leon's 10-page account of his appearance on the television show Blind Date, which involved heavy doses of public intoxication and lederhosen. (Hilarious footage of this is available on YouTube.)
Pros: This book will make your sides hurt.
Cons: The personal essays from Leon's targets disrupt the comic momentum without adding much to the final product.
Final word: A master of disguise - and literary hijinx - Leon satirizes all that's comical and commendable about the American Dream

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For some, the American Dream is a pre-fab house in the suburbs with 2.5 kids and a two-week vacation at the end of the year. To others, it is working a push fruit cart in Oakland in order to put food on the family's table in Oaxaca. In The American Dream Harmon Leon draws upon his experiences of adopting personas and disguises to infiltrate the various institutions of everyday life, living among a diverse range of subcultures and learning first hand how they see their vision and utopia. His incursions include working as a marijuana farmer in a hippie commune in Northern California; becoming a carnie in rural Indiana; visiting a tourist attraction in Mexico (that allows people to simulate illegally crossing the border); venturing to Hollywood while trying to climb the ranks in the star-making machine; and working in the strawberries fields of California with newly arrived immigrants. The American Dream is a funny, satirical, and ultimately poignant take on what it means to be an American today.

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Party Earth - Europe, 4th Edition Review

Party Earth - Europe, 4th Edition
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I have been to major landmarks in Europe a few times and I'll be heading back this summer with a bunch of my friends for our college graduation trip. My copy of Party Earth's entertainment guide just arrived and I am very hyped to use it on the trip! The guide offers reviews for a variety of places, such as bars and clubs, but also beaches and other daytime spots. I really like how they review places by personality type, because I will be able to find places that I will enjoy. I am very excited to use this guide and I will definitely check out the recommendations while I'm there!

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Party Earth - Europe is the ultimate guide to the hottest social venues in thirteen of the most popular cities across Europe. With hundreds of reviews covering a wide range of bars, clubs, festivals, beaches, plazas, and other locales and activities, we have identified the best places to party to suit your personality. Our goal is simple: we are here to ensure that you find the coolest ways to spend your days and the hottest spots to end your nights.Cities covered include: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Florence, French Riviera, Ibiza, London, Madrid, Munich, Paris, Rome, and Venice. Plus, a special guide to Pamplona: The Running of the Bulls.

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Australia & New Zealand on a Shoestring (Lonely Planet) Review

Australia and New Zealand on a Shoestring (Lonely Planet)
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It's a great book. It is very complete and very accurate, most of the times.
I didn't gave it 5 stars because sometimes it isn't very easy to find the information.
I recommend it.

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Guide to Australia and New Zealand written by a team of local authors and specialist contributors.

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Building the Successful Theater Company (Second Edition) Review

Building the Successful Theater Company (Second Edition)
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Please notice the absence of the words "How To" in the title of this book. This is a book of practical advice from the world of experience, not a book of instruction with facts and statistics. You will need to know and learn a great deal to figure out how to start and build a thriving theatre company, and this book will give you only the merest outline of what you need.
That said, this book does glean the best advice from companies like Steppenwolf, Bailiwick, Mixed Blood, and the legendary Pasadena Playhouse, and presents all this advice in a clear, readable manner. Be explaining how these above-average, highly-respected theatre companies built themselves up--their mistakes as well as their successes--we get a glimpse into the world of high motivation, artistic dedication, and pure love that turns something as uncertain as a theatre company into a thriving success.
You'll still have to do the hard work yourself, and you'll still make some nasty mistakes right off the bat. Indeed, this book encourages you to do so early and often, so you get it out of your system. But if you want to get some good pointers and avoid the really egregious errors, this is your book.

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The second edition of Building the Successful Theater Company takes readers even deeper into the world of theatrical production, examining in great depth the financial realities of establishing--and maintaining--a successful organization. This indispensable reference is updated to include more theater company profiles with expert advice to better reveal the pitfalls, passions, and practicalities of the theater industry. The author's been-there-done-that personal experiences along with the wisdom of esteemed theater company heads will encourage readers to aim high and overcome challenges to accomplish all of their creative and financial objectives. Everything from finding a performance space, to creating a first season, to promoting a company and production, to designing a long-term plan is discussed in detail in this engaging guide--a sometimes irreverent, always relevant look behindthe curtain of the modern stage troupe. Chapters include developing business and budget plans, rehearsing, attracting attention with publicity and word-of-mouth, adapting to growth, and more. No other book contains the unique insights and sound advice found in this indispensable reference.

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Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation Review

Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation
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Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation, is one of the best books I have read in recent years. It is well written, thought provoking and full of examples of how white supremacy affects African Americans in all aspects of their daily lives. This book demystifies the institution of racism, which empowers the reader with knowledge about this enigmatic institution. This is an eye opener and a must read. Anon, great work!

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Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation exposes the myths, lies, and deceptions of the relentless economic, political and social systems black people confront everyday without understanding how they function or all the different faces they wear. This politically-incorrect book not only reveals the most critical problems facing Black America, it provides a blueprint for total economic and psychological transformation. (NON-FICTION/CURRENT EVENTS/BLACK HISTORY)

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I'm on My Way but Your Foot Is on My Head: A Black Woman's Story of Getting Over Life's Hurdles (Previously Published as: Bertice: The World According to Me Review

I'm on My Way but Your Foot Is on My Head: A Black Woman's Story of Getting Over Life's Hurdles (Previously Published as: Bertice: The World According to Me
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This is the best book I've read this year. Dr. Berry gave a real insight to the 'black experience' . I had the pleasure of hearing her speak at a conference a couple of days ago and she is one of the most marvelous people that I have heard. Her words go far beyond that of John Grisham, or Stephen King. She is truly an inspirational person. I can't wait to read her other books

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A cable-TV talk show host, comedian, and speaker offers her own inspiring story of overcoming the odds, combining humor and insight into race relations and making it in America. Original title: Bertice: The World According to Me. Reprint. 20,000 first printing."

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1500 Words in 15 Minutes a Day Review

1500 Words in 15 Minutes a Day
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"1500 Words in 15 Minutes a Day" is an easy way to expand your vocabulary if you don't have the time to devote to other vocab programs such as Norman Lewis' "Word Power Made Easy". Cleveland provides a year-long, 52-week guide to increase your vocabulary and to teach you some useful facts about the English language.
Cleveland's composition is unique, because the entire book is not just a whole bunch of SAT vocabulary words, but includes phrases, idioms, styles of architecture, historical figures, and more. It's almost an encyclopedia.
The large 11" x 8" book is divided into two parts: Part 1 contains words in areas of the liberal arts and related subjects; and the first half of the Part 2 introduces everyday yet misused words while the second half has those more obscure and less often used words, like brachydactylic (having abnormally short toes or fingers). The words are introduced to you in 52 chapters, defined and used in context and arranged thematically into subjects. Each weeklong chapter is divided into one-day, one-paged lessons. Ultimately, you are introduced four (4) words a day. There are a couple of short tests at the bottom of the page and a shaded box "Did you know?" that provides an English language related fact.
One terrible flaw to the book is Cleveland's lack of providing pronunciation for each word, which would have been a very helpful addition. So if you have trouble sounding out difficult vocab words, you'll have to grab your Merriam-Webster as a reference.
If you are preparing yourself for a structured and intense vocabulary program, this is not the book to use. I see "1500 Words..." more as a pick-up-and-refer-to book that will add 4 words and an interesting fact a day to your repertoire.

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Improve your vocabulary in your spare time-and enhance your opportunities for a lifetime

Whether you're studying for school, preparing a business presentation, or mingling at a cocktail party, your mastery of words is essential to your overall success. 1,500 Words in 15 Minutes a Day is the ultimate crash course in vocabulary building-a comprehensive day-by-day, week-by-week program that makes it easy to learn new words in the fastest time possible. The book's simple lesson plans are organized by related topics, highlighting common words used in business, politics, religion, and the arts. Each chapter includes clear definitions, pronunciations, and examples of usage, as well as self-quizzes and fascinating facts for a total learning experience.

This exciting year-long program will help you to:

SPEAK AND WRITE with total confidence
MASTER KEY WORDS AND TERMS that every professional should know
PREPARE YOURSELF for college or enhance your career
INCREASE YOUR KNOWLEDGE on a wide range of subjects
MEASURE YOUR PROGRESS with fill-in quizzes and a final review
BUILD AN IMPRESSIVE VOCABULARY just fifteen minutes a day.

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Frommer's San Francisco 2010 (Frommer's Complete Guides) Review

Frommer's San Francisco 2010 (Frommer's Complete Guides)
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I purchased the Kindle edition of this book. Just so you know., unlike some reviewers who review books before they go, I actually have been to San Francisco. This book was full of interesting tidbits and suggestions. Whole section on history of the city. The information was good and helped me to plan out my short business stay in San Francisco. I was able to make plans to do a little sight seeing in the small amount of time that I would have after my meetings were over at the end of the day. However, it is not a great quick guide for the electronic version. I had to go back to my notes section time and time again because sometimes that great best restaurant that was mentioned in the beginning of the book, or the if you only have 1 day section, was not clearly delineated in the city section segment, or the restaurant section. I realize they probably were trying not to bore the reader by repeating something, but it is extremely frustrating to read something in the guide book, but then be on the street with the book and try to make a quick decision about where to lead your group next when you can't find the tidbit again. I/m not even sure that it would be easier in a paper back form either.
Maps are not legible on a Kindle even with zoom feature. Would have been great to be able to see bus routes and Subway stops and schedules also. So while it gave me great information, I feel that the organization of the GUIDE book leaves much to be desired. I buy guide books not only to educate me, but also to be quick access guides to take along with me for quick reference to along my journey. This one falls flat of that for me.

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Frommer's San Francisco 2010

With Foldout Map
Our North Beach walking tour will lead you through Jack Kerouac Street and other Beat generation landmarks. See chapter 8.
Foldout map, plus detailed maps throughout

Exact prices, directions, opening hours,and other practical information

Candid reviews of hotels and restaurants,plus sights, shopping, and nightlife

Itineraries, walking tours, and trip-planning ideas

Insider tips from local expert authors

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Explorer's Guide North Carolina's Outer Banks & Crystal Coast: A Great Destination (Explorer's Great Destinations) Review

Explorer's Guide North Carolina's Outer Banks and Crystal Coast: A Great Destination (Explorer's Great Destinations)
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When I travel, I love having breakfast at some local place that serves locally inspired food while I browse a good guidebook to the area. Renee Wright's guide to North Carolina's Outer Banks was just what I wanted, too.
It will help you find that special breakfast spot and just about anything else that you're looking for in Nag's Head, Kitty Hawk, Manteo, the Emerald Isle or the rest of the Outer Banks.
All of the Countryman Press Great Destinations books are solid guides to where to stay, what to see, and how to get there with contact information and maps. But they also have a personal touch I like.
Wright's, particularly in the introductions to each section and the sidebars ("The North Beaches, Where the Road Ends," "The Charles Kuralt Trail," "Hatteras Island, One Road On, One Road Off," offer a fun mix of the area's rich history, local lore, and primary attractions. It builds your anticipation before you set off to see the light houses, wild ponies, and windswept dunes.
I also like finding stuff like the out of the way restaurant where the boiled crab cakes make the drive worthwhile, and this book is full of that sort of inside info.
The writing is crisp and entertaining and the photographs, also by Wright, are well done and the captions always tell you something interesting (For example: "The remains of a mini-golf course peek through the sands of the largest dune on the Outer Banks").
The only bad part about this book is that you'll want to stay longer than a short vacation may allow. But heck, you can always come back.

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"Consistently rated the best guides to the regions covered...Readable, tasteful, appealingly designed. Strong on dining, lodging, and history."-National Geographic Traveler
Explorer's Guide North Carolina's Outer Banks & Crystal Coast covers the coast from Virginia to Hammocks Beach State Park. Includes Manteo, Kitty Hawk and Kill Devil Hills, Nags Head, Hatteras Island, Ocracoke, Beaufort, Morehead City, Atlantic Beach, Emerald Isle and Swansboro.Distinctive for their accuracy, simplicity, and conversational tone, the diverse travel guides in our Great Destinations series meet the conflicting demands of the modern traveler. They're packed full of up-to-date information to help plan the perfect gateway. And they're compact and light enough to come along for the ride. A tool you'll turn to before, during, and after your trip, these guides include these helpful features: chapters on lodging, dining, transportation, history, shopping, recreation and more; a section packed with practical information, such as lists of banks, hospitals, post offices, laundromats, numbers for police, fire, and rescue, and other relevant information; and maps of regions and locales.

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