Serious Laughter: Live a Happier, Healthier, More Productive Life Review

Serious Laughter: Live a Happier, Healthier, More Productive Life
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This book has given me a new insight into what humor is all about.For the longest time I was always feeling sorry for myself. Since reading this book I realize it's just all the way you look at it. This book helped me see that being funny and humorous is not a denial of sadness it is a way to view things. I've seen that with my kids. Everything is just the way you see it. If you can let things roll off and just laugh about them - see them from a different point of view, you can get through it easier. I sing when I vaccume to make my three year old laugh - she gets the biggeset kick about it. It just makes everything better. Life is just better.

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Serious Laughter offers a wealth of ideas and practicalsuggestions of how to add humor and laughter to your life.This bookprovides easy to understand information in an entertainingly friendly,but very authoritative way.In addition, it is filled with actionpacked drawings that create excitement for the reader.Serious Laughter teaches the medical and spiritual benefits ofhumor and shows you how to find the laughter. This book gives exampleafter example of how to go about adding these aspects to your lifeboth at work and at home.But more than that Serious Laughter takesyou by the hand and shows you how to deal with stress and worry,anger, resentfulness, fear, doubt, insecurity, jealousy, rage anddepression.It is a excellent source of motivational material thatwill keep you thinking positive. Partly autobiographical this bookproves to be a delight to read as each page is very conversational andpersonal.

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