Reboot Your Career: 27 Ways to Reinvent Yourself in the Workplace... (If You Still Have a Job) Review

Reboot Your Career: 27 Ways to Reinvent Yourself in the Workplace... (If You Still Have a Job)
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If you are at a crossroads in your career--whether by a layoff or by choice--I suggest you check out Mr. Fogel's book. It's filled with great guidance from someone who has "been there, done that" for switching careers in mid-life. Plus, he presents it all in a humorous, engaging way.

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Do You Want More Exciting CareerOpportunities?Are You A Boss Who Want to Find YourCompany's Next Start of Superstar?Do You Want to Stand Out and Be Recognizedfor Your Talents by Your Peers and Management?Peter Fogelwill show you how to reinvent yourself and unleash your "Inner Entrepreneur"so you can quickly attract challenges that are more meaningful, be in demand,and yes -- make more money at your job!Using"The Reinvention Guy's" step-by step- system you will discover how torejuvenate your passion, repackage yourself, take control of your financialfuture, leap over your competition... all without leaving your presentemployment!In addition,bosses and workers will gain new insight on how to synergistically worktogether so as to create more productive and profits for their business.In thisvolume, you will learn 27 proven career-building techniques to:·CREATING a powerful ContributionStatement that'll keep you on track to reaching all your important goals·BRANDING yourself into the hearts andminds of your company's decision makers so you become their go-to person.·DEVELOPING your Unique SellingProposition that makes you indispensible to your boss and supervisors.·EFFICIENT networking that can bringyou an immediate ROI on your time, energy, and resources·FINDINGthe right mentor(s) that'll guide you to Total Career Success!

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