The Comedy Thesaurus: 3,241 Quips, Quotes, and Smartass Remarks Review

The Comedy Thesaurus: 3,241 Quips, Quotes, and Smartass Remarks
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A below "review" on this site (if it hasn't already been removed) accuses me of "stealing" comedians' material via a "legal loophole."
Which is a not only a misreading of US Copyright Law, but misrepresents the content of my book, my methods for compiling it, and my intent.
Up to 100 comedians directly contributed jokes to me for this book; and the material gathered under the Fair Use provision of US Copyright law is not only correctly contributed to each comedian, but in addition I have, whenever possible, provided contact information for comedians, so that readers who like the glimpse of a comedian's act provided, can then contact the comedian and buy the CD, DVD of his/her act or find out where to see that comedian live or on TV.
The Fair Use provision of the US Copyright laws is no mere "legal loophole" -- it has not only provided the basis for the compiling of every other quote book in existence in the USA for at least 100 years, but is the underpinning of every news report you read (or hear), and every history book written in the United States. Fair Use has not only been upheld by the Supreme Court, it has been championed by every free speech advocate imaginable, including the ACLU.
If my intent had been to "steal" I could have printed the quotes without attribution (which happens all too often on the internet, usually by those unfamiliar with US Copyright law or fair use, in any sense.) And I certainly wouldn't have gone to the trouble to provide comedian credits, bios and contact information (including email or website addresses, whenever possible.)
But as a reporter on the comedy scene for over 20 years -- including as the comedy critic for the LA Weekly for over a dozens years, and also freelance for the Los Angeles Times, Mademoiselle magazine and other newspapers and magazines -- that would be unlikely to be my intent.

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Every book of "humorous quotations" features the same tired one-liners from dead white males like Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain—until now. The Comedy Thesaurus features more than three thousand quips from the funniest people on the planet—everyone from Margaret Cho and Conan O'Brien to Eddie Murphy and Lewis Black. Arranged A to Z by subject (accidents, aging, alcohol, etc.) and thoroughly cross-referenced, it's chock-full of hilarious observations. On politics: "You have to remember one thing about the will of the people: It wasn't that long ago that we were swept away by the Macarena."—Jon Stewart On shopping: "Every town has the same two malls: the one white people go to, and the one white people used to go to."—Chris Rock On sex: "Engaged women have sex 2.9 times a week. And the .9 is really frustrating."—Jay Leno And that's just the beginning. Full of laugh-out-loud remarks from the most popular comedians on the planet, The Comedy Thesaurus is a terrific resource for writers, speakers, fans of stand-up comedy, and anyone who appreciates a good joke.

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