Cities to Go: The Top 25 High-Energy, Make-Every-Minute-Count City Getaways Review

Cities to Go: The Top 25 High-Energy, Make-Every-Minute-Count City Getaways
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This travel book actually tells you how to ENJOY a city while avoiding the usual pitfalls. Very helpful.

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Cities are back! When suburban routines become old, many travelers take a quick trip to the city for live music, gourmet food, sophisticated shopping, and an invigorating rush of big-city energy. Cities to Go is filled with savvy planning tips for an action-packed urban getaway. There's a chapter for each city, with descriptions of the city's style and atmosphere; sidebars featuring insider tips, special events, and unique places; selective restaurant, hotel, and shopping listings; and information on outdoor parks and activities. A planning chapter explains how to find a city that offers the best airline connections and rates and how to get a good price on last-minute hotel reservations. It also provides strategies for packing the most fun into a short trip and includes seasonal travel information, detailed resources, and important Web addresses.

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