Shtick Shift: Jewish Humor in the 21st Century Review

Shtick Shift: Jewish Humor in the 21st Century
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Reb Simcha doesn't disappoint in his second book about Jewish humor, "Shtick Shift." It's a rollicking read, full of historical anecdotes, fascinating moments of comic nostalgia and loaded with laughs! Couldn't put it down! It's a light-hearted way to pick up all kinds of interesting tidbits about the Jewish comics of yesteryear who we grew to know and love as we were growing up -- Jack Benny, the Marx Brothers and Mel Brooks -- and brings their influence into the present with Seinfeld, Costanza and Sandler, among many others. Forget those failing equity funds! Pick up a copy of "Shtick Shift" and enjoy!

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This isnt your zaydes Jewish comedy. The once revolutionary, understated "Jew-ish" and "Israel-lite" flavor of Seinfeld has been replaced by a brutal matter-of-factness that would make earlier generation cringe. Your primer to the ever-changing face of Jewish comedy at the dawn of the 21st century: the new faces, their outrageous routines and their sometimes surprising seriousness about the most de pressing issues of our time.

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Frommer's San Francisco Free and Dirt Cheap (Frommer's Free & Dirt Cheap) Review

Frommer's San Francisco Free and Dirt Cheap (Frommer's Free and Dirt Cheap)
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This is a wonderful guide to many places we have not seen yet in San Francisco. We are looking forward to using it on our return trip this summer.

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You can leave your heart in San Francisco, but with this guide, you don't have to leave the contents of your wallet! Perfect for residents and visitors alike, this outspoken guide is packed with free and dirt-cheap ways to get the most out of San Francisco without opening your Golden Gates...from food, drinks, and entertainment to shopping, events, classes, and more.

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Made Men: The True Rise-and-Fall Story of a New Jersey Mob Family Review

Made Men: The True Rise-and-Fall Story of a New Jersey Mob Family
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The casual, almost semi-cynical, form of writing suits the subject of this book: A minor crime family in New York area finds itself cast in a major TV production. Although the Sopranos don't labor under the lack of respect that the Decalvacantes or "farmers" receive, you do get a unique perspective of the crime family imitating fiction or vice versa. Like many Mafia books, this one is episodic as I suppose it has to be and it is difficult to keep the characters in their place (anyone ever hear of a organizational tree?). Still, it is easy to read and see what is going on.
The faults of the book are that the author's reporter-style writing comes through a bit much. He relies on structured chronological headings, almost like a time stamp. However, this isn't much of a fault and his style works well.
I enjoyed it. It was a quick read. If you like the Sopranos, you'll like this book and it will give you more insight into the real "real" life characters.

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It wasn't until the success of "The Sopranos" that New Jersey's powerful DeCavalcante family became legitimized in the eyes of big city capos. But a higher profile meant higher risk. Member turned against member, and eventually one of them turned to reporter Greg B. Smith to expose the rise and fall of one of the most notorious families in America.

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San Francisco For Dummies Review

San Francisco For Dummies
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I bought this book back in February for a trip to San Francisco with my husband. I've been to San Francisco before around 13 years ago, but it was my husband's first trip to San Francisco. We carried the book with us all the time and the tips that it gave us were excellent, everything worked out great. For example, we did not rented a car and we made it all the way to the Golden gate bridge outside the city, following the book's tips to use the public bus. Another great tip, was to buy a three-day ticket to the MUNI (and it worked for bus, cable cars and electric cars). The restaurant suggestions for Chinatown and The Mission District were great. Good tips on how to avoid tourists traps. Great tips on planning itineraries and we felt like we saw all the most important attractions/sights in San Francisco. We hit a rainy afternoon and all we had to do was turn our book on the page on what to do if it's raining, great! I will defenetily buy books from these series again.
Have fun in your trip!

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For Dummies Travel guides are the ultimate user-friendly trip planners, combining the broad appeal and time-tested features of the For Dummies series with up-to-the-minute advice and information from the experts at Frommer's.
• Small trim size for use on-the-go
• Focused coverage of only the best hotels and restaurants in all price ranges
• Tear-out "cheat sheet" with full-color maps or easy reference pointers

San Francisco is one of the most exciting, inviting, unique, and eclectic cities in the world. From the Golden Gate Bridge to Lombardy Street to the Embarcadero…from Little Italy to Chinatown to Russian Hill, there's an invigorating mix of attractions and cultures. This friendly guide helps you zero in on your "must sees" and plan your personal itinerary.
Enjoy incredible upscale shopping or bargain-hunting in Chinatown, browse for books at City Lights, or hit Haight Street or Hayes Street for the latest trends
Choose from all kinds of entertainment options, ranging from a Giants game to grand opera to theater to blues to leather-clad, fire-dancing performance artists
Have a romantic dinner at Absinthe or Quince, sip a cappuccino in North Beach, enjoy authentic Italian pastas, or try the catch of the day
Take a day trip to Berkeley, an overnighter to the coast, or a getaway to Wine Country, including winery tours and a mud bath

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Field of Schemes: How the Great Stadium Swindle Turns Public Money into Private Profit, Revised and Expanded Edition (At Table S.) Review

Field of Schemes: How the Great Stadium Swindle Turns Public Money into Private Profit, Revised and Expanded Edition (At Table S.)
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I read the 1999-published edition of FIELD OF SCHEMES, not this revised version. I imagine the updated FIELD OF SCHEMES reports on corporate welfare cities have awarded to sports franchises since '99.
How many New Yorkers know state and New York City taxpayers are forking over $1.5 billion to help fund new stadiums for the Mets and Yankees baseball teams? Wacky George Pataki and Rudeness Giuliani, as New York governor and New York City mayor, respectively, thought giving those private enterprises all that state and city revenue was more important than funding hospitals, schools, and infrastructure?
Read FIELD OF SCHEMES. Fight City Hall.

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Field of Schemes is a play-by-play account of how the drive for new sports stadiums and arenas drains $2 billion a year from public treasuries for the sake of private profit. While the millionaires who own sports franchises have seen the value of their assets soar under this scheme, taxpayers, urban residents, and sports fans have all come out losers, forced to pay both higher taxes and higher ticket prices for seats that, thanks to the layers of luxury seating that typify new stadiums, usually offer a worse view of the action.

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Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal Review

Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
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What does the H in Jesus H. Christ stand for? I'll give you a hint--it's a family name. Beyond that, you'll have to read the book and discover it for yourself.
I interviewed Chris Moore for my writing ezine. At the time, he was in the throes of writing Lamb, and had been instructed by his publisher to keep the project hush-hush, lest a bad B movie rendition torpedo the whole thing. I remember him saying that this book would certainly "piss off more people" than any of his previous works--and from the looks of the reviews cropping up here, the process has already begun.
I've read every one of Christopher Moore's books--I'm a devoted fan. Every time I read Chris Moore in bed, I find myself laughing so hard that my husband refers to me as "the human equivalent of Magic Fingers." I have to believe that someone whose writing can evoke such a reaction has a true gift. Christopher Moore's writing is both funny and deeply humane--he pokes fun at the world with tenderness and benevolence. That style shines through in Lamb, a story retold by Jesus' life-long friend, the irrepressible Levi, who is called Biff.
At first glance, it might seem Biff is an archetype--the guy whose exterior reflects "a--hole," (to quote the angel, Raziel), but who actually possesses a heart of gold. But on further examination, Biff's more than that. He's intelligent (incidentally, the first to theorize that the world was round, and the first to speculate on the existence of gravity), kind and selfless. Sure, he has his faults, but that brilliant combination of jerk/gentleman is what makes him so intriguing.
Those who scoff at this book for religious reasons (and there will be many, I'm sure) are missing the bigger picture. As Moore relates in his afterword, the book was "not designed to change anyone's beliefs or worldview." But, for me, it did. I'm a Christian, and after reading Lamb I came away with a new understanding of Jesus (called Joshua in the book--Jesus is the Greek translation of the Hebrew, Yeshua, which is Joshua) as a human being. The fact that Jesus became human to redeem the world is the core of the Christian faith, and Christopher Moore brings that belief home with an almost magical tenderness. I found it moving to think of Jesus as a real person, and not some mystical, unreachable Godhead. Regardless of Moore's own religious beliefs--it's difficult to determine whether he views Christ as the Son of God, or a fascinating historical figure with a 30-year hole in his life story--Lamb meant something to me, and I know I'll read it more than once.
Is Lamb a perfect book? No. Some of the humor was a little too slapstick to really work. But as a whole, it's a bright spot in a world that has grown far too serious and cynical. Lamb was painstakingly researched; it's poignant and real; and, oh's incredibly funny.

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Lonely Planet Virginia & the Capital Region Review

Lonely Planet Virginia and the Capital Region
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This is the best guide for things to keep you busy if you're in Washington!

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Featuring the best of D.C., Virginia, Maryland and Delaware, this guide provides details on outdoor activities and comprehensive coverage of the wilderness areas, forests, parks, trails and historic battlefield areas from the Civil War.

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The Hollywood Book of Breakups Review

The Hollywood Book of Breakups
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Even serious lovers of film need something fun to read about the medium and THE HOLLYWOOD BOOK BREAKUPS by James Robert Parish fills the bill. No, it isn't a weighty tome about a particular star or director or the making of a classic movie; it is a sensational behind-the-scene glimpse at the private lives of several Hollywood stars. Parish uses considerable research and skill to convey how some of these lives were or are more interesting off-screen than on-screen! Specifically, as the title promises, Parish focuses on the well-publicized breakups of such couples as Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt, Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, and Anne Heche and Ellen DeGeneres. Frankly, I was more interested in the older stars and "what really happened" to them (since all the new celebrity stuff has already been covered to death). I enjoyed reading about Ingrid Bergman's divorce from "Dr. Petter Lindstrom." There is even a wedding day photo of the two (I had never seen them together before) in addition to information that I didn't know (in Hollywood, during her marriage, Bergman was already romancing several others well before her infamous union with Roberto Rossellini). Elsewhere, Parish clarifies the tangled mismatch between Ava Gardner and Frank Sinatra, and he finds some new angles regarding the Marilyn Monroe-Joe DiMaggio split. There are a few minor lapses--e.g. in the Orson Welles-Rita Hayworth chapter, Parish claims Welles stayed with last wife Paola Mori to the end of of his life, never mentioning his long-term companionship with Oja Kodar. But, in any case, it is hard to put down this compulsively readable, highly entertaining book.

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"Half of all marriages end in divorce--and then there are the really unhappy ones."--Joan RiversDo you suppose that the person who first said "Life is stranger than fiction" might have had Hollywood marriages in mind? Why watch a romantic film starring a leading man and a leading lady when their real-life romances are so much more interesting? It seems that a celebrity's latest film can have a considerably longer life span in the theater than his or her marriage du jour.One would almost think that Tinseltown has come to embrace divorce as an accepted pastime. Some celebrities have seemingly collected spouses over the years, systematically adding notches in their belts of divorces. Cases in point: Zsa Zsa Gabor (nine), Lana Turner (eight), Elizabeth Taylor (nine), and Mickey Rooney (eight). This list appears to make Jennifer Lopez a mere novice with only three marriages, two divorces, and one terminated engagement to date.In The Hollywood Book of Breakups, James Robert Parish looks at scores of hot Hollywood romances that eventually fell apart. From the decade-long union of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman to the "just-for-show" nuptials of Rock Hudson and Phyllis Gates to the four-and-a-half-year marriage of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston to the "other woman" divorce of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher, Parish covers it all--from the burning embers to the fizzling fires of Hollywood breakups. You couldn't make this stuff up--and James Robert Parish doesn't need to. Hollywood writes its own drama when it comes to scandalous breakups.

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Explorer's Guide Galveston, South Padre Island & The Texas Gulf Coast: A Great Destination (Explorer's Great Destinations) Review

Explorer's Guide Galveston, South Padre Island and The Texas Gulf Coast: A Great Destination (Explorer's Great Destinations)
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This book was worthless. We would never, ever have bought it if we had picked it up and looked at it in a bookstore. I am serious: there was NOTHING in this book that we could use in planning our weekend on South Padre Island. I would have given this a rating of zero stars but the system would not let me.

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"Consistently rated the best guides to the regions covered...Readable, tasteful, appealingly designed. Strong on dining, lodging, culture, and history."—National Geographic Traveler.
Distinctive for their accuracy, simplicity, and conversational tone, the diverse travel guides in our Explorer's Great Destinations series meet the conflicting demands of the modern traveler. They're packed full of up-to-date information to help plan the perfect getaway. And they're compact and light enough to come along for the ride. A tool you'll turn to before, during, and after your trip, these guides include:
Chapters on lodging, dining, transportation, history, shopping, recreation, and more!
A section packed with practical information, such as lists of banks, hospitals, post offices, laundry mats, numbers for police, fire, and rescue, and other relevant information.
Maps of regions and locales.

From the sea border with Mexico to the Louisiana shore, the coast of Texas is rich in history, recreation, and natural and architectural beauty and is a major destination for both Texans and non-Texans alike.
Black-and-white photographs and maps

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Insiders' Guide to Denver, 9th (Insiders' Guide Series) Review

Insiders' Guide to Denver, 9th (Insiders' Guide Series)
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I purchased this book because I will be taking a 4 day trip to Denver this summer, and also because I am considering living in Denver. Although the book does have good information, I didn't find it extremely helpful or interesting. I was hoping it would have more insider tips and advice, but it seemed pretty generic in my opinion. While it wasn't bad, it wasn't great either. I think I will purchase a different Colorado book before traveling there...

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From famous "Rocky Mountain Cuisine" and a diverse shopping scene to walking tours, golfing, and snowboarding, this authoritative guide helps you enjoy everything the greater Denver area has to offer.

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Improv Yourself: Business Spontaneity at the Speed of Thought Review

Improv Yourself: Business Spontaneity at the Speed of Thought
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This is a business book that's readable, useful and funny!
What a nice change. Joe Keefe offers you ways to bring some humor and life to your business meetings --and get better results to boot. I started using some of Joe's improv exercises to start our weekly meeting. The president of the organization complimented me for bringing energy and excitement to the meetings. (In truth, it wasn't me it was the improvs!) I love Joe's rule: Listen, agree, add and accept. We do some of the games at home as well. The kids love performing and it is helping them to exercise their imaginations and think quickly on their feet. This is a great book to help you think about the importance of having humor in all aspects of your life and it offers sound advice on how to get it.

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Discover your improvisational skills for a more productive, more dynamic work life
Whether we know it or not, most of us use our improvisational skills every day in the workplace when we deal with clients and colleagues. Improv Yourself shows the reader in clear detail how to use and hone improvisational skills for better business interactions and a more productive work environment. Business expert and all-around funny guy Joe Keefe offers expert guidance on nurturing our improvisational skills to help us think on our feet, deal with customers, interact with team members, present new ideas, and brainstorm. Full of humor, wit, and expert business insight, Improv Yourself is like nothing else on the business shelf (could you tell I just made that up?).

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Moon Cleveland (Moon Handbooks) Review

Moon Cleveland (Moon Handbooks)
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Finally a travel guide that provides the inside scoop, full of information on where to go from a local's perspective. I just moved to Cleveland and have found this guide to be very useful for family outings as well as date nights. Since I didn't grow up here, I also liked the historical fun-facts throughout this book.

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Award-winning journalist and Cleveland native Douglas Trattner uncovers every nook and cranny of his favorite city, sharing his love of this often overlooked mecca, from the 20,000 acres of Cleveland's Metroparks to the famous Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Douglas provides unique trip strategies including the Three-Day Best of Cleveland, Foodie Fun in Ohio City, and Take the Kids: Baseball, Hot Dogs and Foul Tips. Moon Cleveland is packed with insider's information on dining, transportation and accommodations. Complete with details on hot-air ballooning over Amish Country, angling for Walleye on Lake Erie, and zipping through town on a Segway, Moon Cleveland gives travelers the tools they need to create a more personal and memorable experience.

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Artie Shaw, King of the Clarinet: His Life and Times Review

Artie Shaw, King of the Clarinet: His Life and Times
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In 1985, in what I now view as a life event, my wife and I saw Artie Shaw perform at the Blue Note in New York. I passed the 75 year-old jazz star in the hallway, and I was about to approach him, but his manner said stay away. It wasn't personal. Shaw disliked fans; in fact, he said, "Keep `em all away from me," that very night. So I never talked to Artie Shaw. Still, I felt I knew him, having read his memoir, "The Trouble With Cinderella," several times, starting at age 15. And now I know him even better, thanks to "Three Chords for Beauty's Sake, The Life of Artie Shaw," an excellent new book by Tom Nolan. It's the tale of how Arthur Arshawsky, a Jewish kid from the Lower East Side, became a popular band leader and great jazz clarinetist almost by force of will. Nolan has all: The childhood anti-Semitism; the long musical apprenticeship; the breakthrough to stardom in 1938 with "Begin the Beguine;" Shaw's walkout from the music business a year later; his return with the mega-hit, "Frenesi;" his breaking of the color line by hiring Billie Holiday, Roy Eldridge and Hot Lips Page; the exquisite tone he drew from the clarinet. The women are here (Lana Turner, Ava Gardner, Betty Grable, Lena Horne), and the war (fighting men cried when Navy Chief Shaw and his Rangers played in jungle outposts or on the decks of aircraft carriers). Here, too, are Shaw's postwar depression, his emergence with a new band, his appearance before the House Un-American Activities Committee and his struggle to write. The book is well-documented, for Shaw lived until 2004 and was always ready to talk about himself to journalists. And it's well-written. But there are two vast holes at the center of it, neither of them Nolan's fault. For one, we never find out why Shaw gave up the clarinet in 1954 after doing some of his best work with a small jazz combo. (He didn't play the night I saw him--he conducted, and shared memories in his gruff way). Shaw's own answers are unsatisfying. And how is it that a flawed human being like Shaw, who rejected his sons and was cruel to his wives, could produce some of the most romantic and lyrical recordings ever made, like "Star Dust," "Dancing in the Dark," "Alone Together" and "Summertime?" I've accepted the fact that I know very little about Artie Shaw.

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Under Their Thumb: How a Nice Boy from Brooklyn Got Mixed Up with the Rolling Stones (and Lived to Tell About It) Review

Under Their Thumb: How a Nice Boy from Brooklyn Got Mixed Up with the Rolling Stones (and Lived to Tell About It)
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The Rolling Stones are one of the most studied and documented rock-n-roll bands in the world, second only to the Beatles. So I was a bit skeptical when I saw Bill German's book, wondering if there was anything left to write about Mick an' the Boys that hasn't already seen the light of day.
In truth, there are no earth-shaking revelations in German's book -- and that's just fine. Rolling Stones fans will still enjoy this fine account of a young super fan who -- through hard work and dedication -- found himself on the fringes of the Stones' inner circle -- close enough to smell the sulfur (literally, in one case).
And that's where the considerable charm in this book lies: Long-held beliefs about the Stones are confirmed: Mick is "a great bunch of guys." Keith is the cooly unflappable older brother we all wish we had. Ronnie seriously needs ADD medication, Bill is courtly and slightly above it all and Charlie is painfully introverted. And, as Ian Stuart points out to German, they're all at least a little bit crazy due to the insane lives they lead.
Serious Stones fans won't find much here about the creative process or inner workings of the band itself. But they will catch of glimpse of what life is like at the eye of the 40-year old storm that is the Rolling Stones. Ultimately, this book is Bill German's story -- but it's a great addition to any collection of works on the Rollilng Stones and adds a nice piece to the puzzle that is the world's greatest Rock-n-Roll band.

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The Miranda Cosgrove and iCarly Spectacular: Unofficial & Unstoppable Review

The Miranda Cosgrove and iCarly Spectacular: Unofficial and Unstoppable
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I bought this for My son,because He's in LOVE with Miranda and He knows everything about her,so I wanted to get him this because the other books we got where to kiddie for him and I thought this would be better and I'm very happy with this one,It has when she was younger on Drake & Josh all the way I Carly,My son was very happy with this book,We just got it today when it came out so haven't looked at all of it yet but I would Highly recommend this book For Miranda Lovers.

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The Emmy-nominated TV sensation, iCarly-the 2009 Kids' Choice Awards' favorite TV show-is thoroughly explored in this essential, full-color guide that celebrates the girl at the heart of the show, actress Miranda Cosgrove. Colorful and engaging, this dynamic reference focuses on the personal and professional life of 16-year-old Miranda, who has it all: a major film debut in School of Rock, a budding career with four hit singles and an upcoming album, and a role on Nicklodeon's show Drake & Josh. Highlighting her true star quality in a show designed to showcase her many talents, this guide examines the zany sitcom about three friends who start their own webcast where they perform skits and show their viewers' wacky talents. Punctuated with fun facts and numerous photos of the cast members' on-set antics, this comprehensive manual also includes the story behind Drake & Josh and the creation of iCarly, biographies for Drake & Josh and iCarly cast members, an iCarly episode guide that includes the TV movie iCarly: iGo to Japan, and future projects for iCarly and its stars.

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The Sammy Davis, Jr. Reader Review

The Sammy Davis, Jr. Reader
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If you're interested enough in Sammy to have read "Yes I Can" and "Why Me?" (or at least the compiled "Sammy: an Autobiography"), then this book is an absolute must. Any autobiography is bound to have a flattering slant, but this collection tilts the balance back to level.
Editor Gerald Early offers a lengthy foreward which, at first, I thought a bit self-indulgent until I began to grasp the depth of affection he feels for his subject. Don't skip this foreward; it gets better in the later sections.
The writings in the collection are taken from various autobiographies and other texts about the era, and are insightfully organized. This book is not thoughtlessly thrown together; this is clearly a labor of love. In the first 50 pages alone I had enough of my personal Sammy myths dispelled to recommend the book. I can't help but think how I would have felt had I been the editor. The book certainly doesn't try to slam Sammy, but it does offer the bad along with the good, and it can't have been a painless decision to include some of this material. The excerpt from his daughter's book is particularly revealing, and the bit from Linda Lovelace's autobiography is nothing short of disturbing.
Sammy's own tellings of his life story are far from entirely flattering, but this excellent book brings the legend down from even that level, down to where we all live. Sammy was not a perfect man. He was a masterful entertainer. He was a lousy father. He had a heart of gold. He was into some horrifyingly self-destructive behavior. If you love Sammy the artist as much as I do, you owe it to yourself (after reading the autobiography, I think) to read this volume. It's a real eye-opener. And despite the ugly reality it sometimes offers, it hasn't diminished my love and respect for Sammy one bit. Quite the opposite.

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Hidden San Francisco and Northern California: Including Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, Santa Cruz, Monterey, Yosemite, and Lake Tahoe (Hidden Travel) Review

Hidden San Francisco and Northern California: Including Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, Santa Cruz, Monterey, Yosemite, and Lake Tahoe (Hidden Travel)
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This book was one of the only ones we found that covered San Fran and other northern CA destinations. Very good overviews, but not a huge amount of detail, so you will need additional information on some of the destinations. For Ex, it lists the main hikes in Yosemite, but doesn't give details about how long, how hard, which ones are best, etc. Same with wineries - it lists them out, but doesn't do extensive reviews.

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• All-new, four-color section features photo surveys of wineries, redwood groves, hidden beaches, ethnic neighborhoods, Gold Rush towns, and more• Reviews a wide range of unique accommodations, from hip, boutique hotels to one-of-a-kind bed-and-breakfasts• Newly added Hidden Highlight maps point the way to lesser-known gems in San Francisco, the Wine Country, along the coast, and all across Northern California• Surveys the area's diverse dining options, including California cuisine, fresh seafood, and ethnic options like Chinese, Japanese, and Italian• The ultimate guide to the region's spectacular beauty with detailed information on hiking, camping, surfing, skiing, and river rafting

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