Lucy A to Z: The Lucille Ball Encyclopedia Review

Lucy A to Z: The Lucille Ball Encyclopedia
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I was a fairly big Lucy fan but hadn't bought many books about her, mostly those about her show, I Love Lucy. But when I found this book, the idea of an encyclopedia intrigued me, and I figured there'd be lots of stuff about I Love Lucy, in any case. There sure is, and there's a lot more, on every aspect of Lucy's career, arranged alphabetically. The pictures are great and everything is super easy to find. The writing is both breezy and insightful; the author's obviously a big fan, but he knows his stuff. A lot of research must have gone into this. As someone else on the page says, if you need any `splainin' about anything in Lucy's life or career, it's here.

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Praise for Lucy A to Z: The Lucille Ball Encyclopedia
"Very important. Fresh insights. The most detailed—and most enjoyable—book available on Lucille Ball. A must-have."—Laura Wagner, Classic Images
"As we are producing the I Love Lucy 50th Anniversary Special, [Lucy A to Z] has been a godsend."—Lucie Arnaz, 2001 letter to author
"[Lucy A to Z is a] compound of insight, fact, and trivia."—Stefan Kanfer, author, Ball of Fire
"This new Fourth Edition of Lucy A to Z is a wonderful read and I'm very pleased to recommend it to everyone."—Wanda Clark, Lucille Ball's personal secretary
"If you need any ‘splainin' about Lucy' life and career, you'll find it here!"—Craig Hamrick, author, The TV Tidbits Classic Television Trivia Quiz Book

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