Careers for Writers & Others Who Have a Way with Words Review

Careers for Writers and Others Who Have a Way with Words
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Anyone afflicted with the desire to be a writer would benefit from a quick read of this comprehensive analysis of career realities for writers. Robert Bly's first chapter, "The Writing Business," provides a balanced analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of a writing career: You probably won`t get rich, but you probably will be fairly satisfied with your work and your working conditions.
Other chapters explore book publishing, magazine writing, newspapers, advertising, public relations, corporate writing, technical writing, television and film, and freelancing. The chapter on technical writing is thorough and accurate, particularly the quote from Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., that "Newspaper reporters and technical writers are trained to reveal almost nothing about themselves in their writing. This makes them freaks in the world of writers, since almost all of the other ink-stained wretches in that world reveal a lot about themselves to the reader."
Although I applaud Bly's broad treatment of career possibilities, I am bothered by a nagging suspicion that the entire book is dated. In spite of its publication date of 1996, it cites examples no later than 1984. The references to printed books in each chapter are also outdated, with no citations from the 90s. This makes Bly's lists, such as "Fifty Prominent Book Publishers," very suspect.
Therefore, I'd recommend this book for historical research, followed by checking out recent sources to see a realistic, current picture of your career possibilities.

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