The 100 Best Affordable Vacations Review

The 100 Best Affordable Vacations
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This book is best used as a place to get ideas for possible vacations all over the United States but cannot be used as a stand alone book because it lacks maps, pictures and addresses.
The table of contents is basically useless and is broken up into 4 chapters called "1. americana, 2. into the wild, 3. quest for knowledge, 4. body & soul."
If you want to find a place to go in your neighborhood you need to go to the index and try and find your state and then look up places that way. Each chapter jumps all over the country so it's really hard to use this to do a local "staycation" without having to painstakingly read through every chapter.
What makes this book more frustrating is that you can find much better information on the internet than you can get in this book.
For example, idea number 10 in the book is called "follow the mission trail" in which the author recommends visiting missions in California.
The book then lists the missions and briefly talks about 3 that you could visit. Finally, the chapter ends with a website address to get information on the missions.
1. Poorly organized table of contents. Should be organized by location/region and listed in the front of the book.
2. No pictures or maps. I expect more from National Geographic.
3. It's a book of ideas with very basic information. You will need to get maps yourself and get a separate travel guide for focused information on the region you finally decide to go to.

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Even in a weakened economy, research shows interest in travel is still strong and this book provides 100 great ways to satisfy your wanderlust without breaking the bank. Like the other books in this popular series, The 100 Best Affordable Vacations to Enrich Your Life features out of the ordinary opportunities. They will just be less expensive, with some even free! Vacation categories include Classic Americana; Learning Vacations; Wilderness Trips; and Mind, Body, and Soul themed getaways. With this mix, there are lots of creative ideas and appealing destinations for everybody, whatever their interests, schedule, or budget. This book also offers profiles of inspirational travelers, as well as fun, lively sidebars about off-season travel, how to be a traveler and not a tourist, and more.

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