The Marijuana-logues: Everything About Pot That We Could Remember Review

The Marijuana-logues: Everything About Pot That We Could Remember
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okay, obviously the guy who wrote the other review HAS NEVER SMOKED WEED. this book is a great read for those who still partake, used to but don't (or most likely, can't), or have friends who do (and have seen them do some of this stuff described in the book). i HIGH-ly recommend it.

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Sweet ass! A 200ish-page book about pot and pot-related stuff. Can you believe somebody paid these guys to publish a whole book about The Chronic? Man, that is so sick! The Marijuana-Logues started as an Off-Broadway show, consisting of these three guys, Arj Barker, Doug Benson, and Tony Camin sitting on stools and elucidating and illustrating the wisdom of weed. Since you probably never got motivated enough to actually go see the show, now is your chance to enjoy such gems as, "Some people say marijuana is a crutch—yeah, crutches help people walk. We think that's a good thing." In this sturdy volume (not made from hemp paper, so don't try to smoke it), you'll find many highly creative essays on the virtues of that fine fine plant, as well as some herben poetry, "high-ku," marijuana fun facts, marijuana fun snacks, and other up-here stuff [point to your head].Some choice buds from The Marijuana-Logues:ARJ BARKER'S FIRST TIMEThe first time I smoked pot, I was in the back seat of my older brother's car. It must have been some pretty good weed, too, because I'm an only child. THINGS YOU WILL NEVER HEAR DOUG BENSON SAY WHEN HE IS OFFERED SOME MARIJUANANo.FEMALE COMPOTABILITY by Tony CaminMy girlfriend thinks that I smoke too much pot. I, on the other hand, don't think I smoke enough pot, because if I did, I'd be finished. And I'm not. Look, we all have our vices: I like to smoke a little weed; she likes to feed the baby. Different strokes for different folks.

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