The Golden Rule of Schmoozing Review

The Golden Rule of Schmoozing
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I loved The Golden Rule of Schmoozing, The Authentic Practice of Treating Others Well, by comedian and author Aye Jaye. In fact, I enjoyed the book so much that after borrowing it from my local library, I went out and purchased it. This is unusual for me, as I rarely even keep books I have read through.
The Golden Rule of Schmoozing reminds me of Dale Carnegie on steroids. It's an entertaining, easy-read book filled with examples of how to lay on schmooze anytime, anywhere. I'd have to say that the purpose of schmoozing is to just enhance the quality of life; to make The Road more bearable, if not enjoyable. Schmoozing is all about respect, being nice and taking the extra step in relationships.
I liked the way Aye Jaye defines schmoozing in such a positive light: "Schmoozing is The Golden Rule at full throttle." "It's a skill and an art form that encourages people to say, "You've made my day..." "A schmoozer is someone who talks to people as if they really mattered..." To my mind, this book reminds us that what goes around, eventually comes around. Well-placed schmooze can result in good Karma and good fortune, albeit random, but I'd take random over nothing!
One thing that threw me was the Foreword written by Penn and Teller. Not being a fan, I was glad that it was short. It didn't even hint at the quality of content to come.
The extensive Table of Contents illustrates the far-ranging arenas for schmooze.
(four pages of) Acknowledgements
Foreword by Penn and Teller
Chapter 1: The four laws of schmoozing
Chapter 2: Come Bearing Chatch Never come empty handed
Chapter 3: The "Make What You Say Pay" Schmooze
Chapter 4: The "Make It Happen" Schmooze
Chapter 5: If The Schmooze Fits, Care for it.
Chapter 6: Schmoozing for a Job
Chapter 7: Schmoozing the boss
Chapter 8: Managing with schmooze
Chapter 9: The Schmoozing Ninja Salesperson
Chapter 10: The Matchmaking Schmooze
Chapter 11: Schmoozing for Love
Chapter 12: Making up Schmooze I was a Jerk, but I'm better now
Chapter 13: The Impulse Improve
Chapter 14: The Traffic Schmooze
Chapter 15: The ABCs of Kid-Schmoozing
Chapter 16: Teen Schmoozing Saving the Rebels Without a Clue
Chapter 17: Schmooze Yourself to Good Health
Chapter 18: Oozing Schmooze on Yourself Proactive Inner Thinking
Chapter 19: Relationships are Everything We're all in this together
Chapter 20: Schmoozing Friends and Neighbors
Chapter 21: Tricky Schmicky Schmooze
Chapter 22: The Name Schmooze
Chapter 23: Winning by Grinning Schmooze I particularly enjoyed Aye Jaye's examples, rendered from his own life experience and those of friends and acquaintances, which drive home the point of each chapter. It was also fun to learn of the unintended (and sometimes intended) reciprocating schmooze by schmooze-recipients.
I've learned that even shy and introverted people can schmooze. This book enables the charm and charisma in otherwise inhibited people, by explaining how natural it is and illustrating the positive effects on both the schmoozer and "schmoozee". If more people were aware of the schmooze-effect it would lead to happier and more satisfying relationships across the board.
This book is recommended for all.

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