Reboot Your Career: 27 Ways to Reinvent Yourself in the Workplace... (If You Still Have a Job) Review

Reboot Your Career: 27 Ways to Reinvent Yourself in the Workplace... (If You Still Have a Job)
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If you are at a crossroads in your career--whether by a layoff or by choice--I suggest you check out Mr. Fogel's book. It's filled with great guidance from someone who has "been there, done that" for switching careers in mid-life. Plus, he presents it all in a humorous, engaging way.

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Do You Want More Exciting CareerOpportunities?Are You A Boss Who Want to Find YourCompany's Next Start of Superstar?Do You Want to Stand Out and Be Recognizedfor Your Talents by Your Peers and Management?Peter Fogelwill show you how to reinvent yourself and unleash your "Inner Entrepreneur"so you can quickly attract challenges that are more meaningful, be in demand,and yes -- make more money at your job!Using"The Reinvention Guy's" step-by step- system you will discover how torejuvenate your passion, repackage yourself, take control of your financialfuture, leap over your competition... all without leaving your presentemployment!In addition,bosses and workers will gain new insight on how to synergistically worktogether so as to create more productive and profits for their business.In thisvolume, you will learn 27 proven career-building techniques to:·CREATING a powerful ContributionStatement that'll keep you on track to reaching all your important goals·BRANDING yourself into the hearts andminds of your company's decision makers so you become their go-to person.·DEVELOPING your Unique SellingProposition that makes you indispensible to your boss and supervisors.·EFFICIENT networking that can bringyou an immediate ROI on your time, energy, and resources·FINDINGthe right mentor(s) that'll guide you to Total Career Success!

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Fodor's Australia 2009 (Fodor's Gold Guides) Review

Fodor's Australia 2009 (Fodor's Gold Guides)
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I bought this guide book to help me plan and execute a route through Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. Since I did not want to buy three books (one for each state) I opted for this one from Fodor's. It's probably one of the least useful guidebooks that I have ever owned. While it IS difficult to make a guide book on an area as large as Australia, the authors spend an awful lot of space on describing single restaurants that they fancy in detail, while leaving out other helpful listings. So if you are not into the same food that evening you stay in a particular town, you are on your own. The authors have a tendency to list a lot more luxurious places instead of a nice mix across all budgets.
The section on Sidney is still acceptable but western Victoria, South Australia (which pretty much does not exist east and south of Barossa) and Tasmania are so bad, I trashed the book in Sydney rather than taking it home (I have never done that before!).
The book can be used for general planning purposes (which part of Australia do I want to visit in which season and roughly what are the major things that I could see along the way) but while you travel its place is on your bookshelf at home and not in your glove compartment of your campervan.

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Fodor's. For Choice Travel Experiences.Fodor's helps you unleash the possibilities of travel by providing the insightful tools you need to experience the trips you want. While you're at the helm, Fodor's offers the assurance of our expertise, the guarantee of selectivity, and the choice details that truly define a destination. It's like having a friend in Australia!•Updated annually, Fodor's Australia 2009 provides the most accurate and up-to-date information available in a guide book.•Fodor's Australia features options for a variety of budgets, interests, and tastes, so you make the choices to plan your trip of a lifetime.•If it's not worth your time, it's not in this book. Fodor's discriminating ratings, including our top tier Fodor's Choice designations, ensure that you'll know about the most interesting and enjoyable places in Australia.•Experience Australia like a local! Fodor's Australia 2009 features information from local experts.•Indispensable, customized trip planning tools include "Top Reasons to Go," "Word of Mouth" advice from other travelers, and tips to help save money, bypass lines, and avoid common travel pitfalls.•Crisp, clean maps with more depth and detail to make it easier than ever to sail in, out, and around town.Visit for more ideas and information, travel deals, vacation planning tips, reviews and to exchange travel advice with other travelers.

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The Inferno (Signet Classics) Review

The Inferno (Signet Classics)
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Don't read Dante for his fame, don't judge The Inferno for its subject. Instead, savor Dante's overpowering language that is cleverly winded around one of life's most daunting matter-Hell. Pervaded with vivid and often gruesome imageries, Inferno captures the very essence of suffering through Dante's unqiue understanding of religion with a blend of paganism and christianity. Also it's a thrilling ride down the underworld to be met by history's greatest souls. The notes before every Canto is crucially helpful in helping readers keeping up with ancient historical references. And feeling yourself penetrating the Nine Circles of Hell in the company of Dante and Vergil, you will surely catch a rare taste of the living value as Vergil guides curious eyes down a path where judgment befalls every single flaw of human nature. Perhaps, just perhaps you will attain a better sense of your existence once matched against the standards of Nine Circles designed for different sins. I call that a gripping journey.

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Considered to be one of the greatest literary works of all time-equal only to those of Shakespeare-Dante's immortal drama of a journey through Hell is the first volume of his Divine Comedy. The remaining canticles, The Purgatorio and The Paradiso, will be published this summer in quick succession.

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Halfway to Paradise Review

Halfway to Paradise
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Anyone old enough to remember back to 1973 knows the name Tony Orlando. That's the year the singer and his female back-up duo Dawn recorded "Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree."
The top-40s ditty about a petty criminal welcomed back from prison became the theme song for returning Vietnam POWs, a rallying point for families of American hostages in Iran and soldiers serving in the Gulf War, and an all-purpose anthem for anyone forced to be away from home. As part of the national soundtrack of the late 20th century, the song earned Orlando a place in pop culture history.
Or, as Orlando puts it in his autobiography --- "Almost like flipping a pancake, 'Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree' flipped my life over." HALFWAY TO PARADISE is peppered with such passages --- writing that is clumsy, yet gets the point across. One of the book's most distracting shortcomings is Orlando's fondness for clichéd phrases such as, "singing my praises," "walking on eggs," "turned the tide," and "sweating bullets." He also seems confused about the meaning of the word "literally," as when he describes his father "literally sucking the air out of the room."
Nevertheless, Orlando writes with a self-effacing candor, humility and lack of animosity that gives this book a gentle appeal absent from many celebrity autobiographies. Patsi Bale Cox, who has collaborated on the autobiographies of performers including Tanya Tucker and Loretta Lynn, assisted in the writing. But the book's voice sounds as if it's rising straight from Orlando's sentimental soul.
Although he's fond of using the word "ironically" to describe coincidences, irony isn't on his palette. He makes statements like "The band has become like family to me, as all bands should to an entertainer." Talking about his deceased sister, "Rhonda was my angel on earth who now resides in Heaven," he betrays no hint that he blushed when he wrote the words.
Orlando is an entertainer who knows he's not A-list and never was. He drips with awe and gratitude when he talks about the legends --- Jackie Gleason, Frank Sinatra, Muhammad Ali --- who took an interest in him throughout his career.
He's a man who screwed up in his personal life --- marital infidelity and drug abuse, his two biggest failings --- and counts himself blessed to be coming up on 60 with a loving family and good health.
The book takes him from his boyhood in the close-knit working class neighborhood of Manhattan's West 21st Street, to his entry into show business singing demo songs, to his short-lived run as a teen idol, to his first steady job working for a music publisher. The core of the book takes place during the 1970s, those few heady years when Orlando was a star, recording a string of pop hits and appearing with Dawn in his own network variety show.
It was during Orlando's professional peak that he bottomed out personally. He watched his close friend Freddie Prinze die after shooting himself in the head, then ended up in a straightjacket after entering a mental hospital to battle a cocaine habit.
By the '80s, the drugs were over, but so was Orlando's run as a pop star. Since then, he has struggled to redefine his career, performing on Broadway and in Las Vegas and acting in a movie with Edward James Olmos. In the mid-'80s, he tried to get back into network television with the help of Bill Cosby, who wrote an episode for his own sitcom designed to create a spin-off in which Orlando would star. In a winningly candid moment, Orlando admits he blew the taping.
"The network turned down a spin off, and it's no wonder," he writes. "I've watched it several times over the years and, even with the mellowing effect of time, my performance stunk, then and now."
Orlando now lives in Branson, Missouri with his second wife, Frannie, and their daughter. He performs in Branson and does some touring. He is not rich, and he is famous mostly in a used-to-be sort of way. But he gets to sing and he can support his family, and it seems to suit him just fine.
Ultimately, this book is less interesting as a celebrity autobiography than it as the story of a family man in late middle age, finally getting it right.
--- Reviewed by Karen Jenkins Holt

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Time Out Bangkok: And Beach Escapes (Time Out Guides) Review

Time Out Bangkok: And Beach Escapes (Time Out Guides)
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This is a review of the 3rd edition of Time Out Bangkok. It's frankly not worth buying, and I say that as someone who has enjoyed other Time Out city guides. A couple of specific problems:
-The maps are frustrating. Bangkok isn't really pedestrian-friendly, but there are still great opportunities to get to know the city on foot. The itineraries that Time Out includes are interesting, but the maps often lack important street names or don't include addresses and landmarks to locate sights. (Ironically, the cover says "Now with improved maps.")
-The writing is awful. For instance: "Calls for an industrialized Kra Canal or 'land bridge' across the southern isthmus would foul the environment on which tourism relies." Or: "Police raids and urine tests recur periodically and the unrepealed early closing later-opening venues in a pernicious, exploitable grey area as enforcement relents." Ugh. Reading a tour guide doesn't have to be pleasurable, but it should be bearable. Reading this one isn't.
Bangkok itself is wonderful. You'll just enjoy it even more with another guide. If I were to go again, I'd consider Lonely Planet. Do give other Time Out guides a look, though. They can be excellent.

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In recent years, Bangkok's image has been transformed from that of a chaotic free-for-all into a confident city brimming with design and sophistication - but one that still retains a vibrant street life rarely seen in the developed world. This comprehensive travel guide chronicles the city's new identity, dynamic popular culture, exciting clubs and restaurants, and rich cultural heritage, as well as its gorgeous nearby beaches. Bangkok's lively gay and lesbian scene is covered in depth.

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The Basil and Josephine Stories Review

The Basil and Josephine Stories
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Originally published serially in "The Saturday Evening Post," Fitzgerald's "The Basil and Josephine Stories" was probably underappreciated in its time--the late 1920s. Fitzgerald's mastery of prose and storytelling shine, however, in this collection of short stories. The book is divided into two halves, the first dealing with Basil (a fictionalized version of Fitzgerald as a young man) and the second with Josephine (a fictional young woman in America in the early part of the 20th century). We follow Basil through the adventures and misadventures of his early life as he searches for acceptance and meaning. Josephine searches for love and friendship, among other things. Both meet with success that can only be described as questionable. Beautifully written and suprisingly deep, this collection offers profound insight into the psyche of the Lost Generation. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in modern American literature.

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Fourteen of F. Scott Fitzgerald's best-loved and most beguiling stories, together in a single volume In 1928, while struggling with his novel Tender Is the Night, Fitzgerald began writing a series of stories about Basil Duke Lee, a fictionalized version of his younger self. Drawing on his childhood and adolescent experiences, Fitzgerald wrote nine tales that were published in the Saturday Evening Post about his life from the time he was an eleven-year-old boy living in Buffalo, New York, until he entered Princeton University in 1913. Then from 1930 to 1931, with Tender Is the Night still unfinished, Fitzgerald wrote five more stories (also published in the Post) that centered around Josephine Perry, Basil's female counterpart. Although Fitzgerald intended to combine the fourteen Basil Lee and Josephine Perry stories into a single work, he never succeeded in doing so in his lifetime. Here, The Basil and Josephine Stories brings together in one volume the complete set, resulting in one of Fitzgerald's most charming and evocative works.

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Creating Television: Conversations With the People Behind 50 Years of American TV (A Volume in LEA's Communication Series) (Routledge Communication Series) Review

Creating Television: Conversations With the People Behind 50 Years of American TV (A Volume in LEA's Communication Series) (Routledge Communication Series)
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This is an utterly fascinating book, written by someone who has been watching television for more than 40 years. In that time, he has interviewed just about EVERYBODY in the business. So, if you're in the business, or want to GET in the business, or just have a fascination with the producers, directors, writers AND stars, get this book. You won't be disappointed.
I'm intrigued by the variety of people Bob Kubey has chosen for this book.
This can be nothing but a valuable resource to all who study media and television.

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Creating Television brings television and its creators to life, presenting fascinating in-depth interviews with the creators of American TV. Having interviewed more than 100 television professionals over the course of his 15 years of research, Professor Robert Kubey presents here the 40 conversations that provide the most illuminating insights about the industry and the people working in it. These interviews bring television's creators to life, revealing their backgrounds, work, and thoughts about the audience and the television programs they create. Each interview tells a compelling tale of an individual's struggles and successes within a complex collaborative and highly commercial medium, offering readers rare insights on the human component in television's development. Featured in this volume are actors, agents, writers, directors, producers, and executives, representing television's earliest days through to the present day. Spanning shows from I Love Lucy and The Tonight Show through to Seinfeld, The Simpsons, and The Sopranos, these creators share the stories of how they gained entry to the industry and built their careers, offering readers a rare opportunity to meet, up close, the people involved in creating many of the most famous and successful programs in the medium's history, and linking the creators' personal histories to the television programs they create. With its unique insights on the people responsible for making television, this volume will be of interest to scholars and researchers in television history, sociology of culture, human creativity, television production, media studies, and mass media ethics. It will also be a popular reader for undergraduate and graduate students in courses addressing television, mass culture, media and society, American Studies, creativity, television history, and media ethics.

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Laughing on the Outside: The Life of John Candy Review

Laughing on the Outside: The Life of John Candy
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The author does not seem to want to tell the story of a comedian that did put his mark on the world, and would have moved further in this world had he lived longer. The author seems to want to put his 2 cents in as a movie critic instead. I am sure there were many great stories about John Candy, but the readers don't hear a one of them. Please avoid this book if you have your heart set on learning about the man, John Candy.

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Fodor's London 2009 (Fodor's Gold Guides) Review

Fodor's London 2009 (Fodor's Gold Guides)
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I was very impressed with the detail information and it has helped us make some decisions on where we will stay and places we will go in London. Great buy.

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Fodor's. For Choice Travel Experiences.Fodor's helps you unleash the possibilities of travel by providing the insightful tools you need to experience the trips you want. Although you're at the helm, Fodor's offers the assurance of our expertise, the guarantee of selectivity, and the choice details that truly define a destination. It's like having a friend in London!•Updated annually, Fodor's London provides the most accurate and up-to-date information available in a guidebook.•Fodor's London features options for a variety of budgets, interests, and tastes, so you make the choices to plan your trip of a lifetime.•If it's not worth your time, it's not in this book. Fodor's discriminating ratings, including our top tier Fodor's Choice designations, ensure that you'll know about the most interesting and enjoyable places in London.•Experience London like a local! Fodor's London includes unique photo-features that impart the city's culture, covering the Tower of London, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, the best ways to tour the Thames, and much more!•Indispensable, customized trip planning tools include "Top Reasons to Go," "Word of Mouth" advice from other travelers, and tips to help save money, bypass lines, and avoid common travel pitfalls.•8 page color insert and full-color pullout map.Visit for more ideas and information, travel deals, vacation planning tips, reviews and to exchange travel advice with other travelers.

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The Unofficial Guide to South Florida including Miami & the Keys (Unofficial Guides) Review

The Unofficial Guide to South Florida including Miami and the Keys (Unofficial Guides)
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This is a very well detailed and organized guide. It summarizes the main attractions in the South Florida area, so you can use it with confidence; however I think a new edition is way overdue.

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From the publishers of The Unofficial Guide(r) to Walt Disney World(r)"A Tourist's Best Friend!"-Chicago Sun-Times"Indispensable"-The New York TimesFive Great Features and Benefits offered ONLY by The Unofficial Guide(r):* Candid, critical, and useful information on Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade Counties, Southwest Florida, the Florida Keys, and Everglades National Park* Helpful hints on getting the best room at the lowest possible rate-on and off the beach* Detailed reviews of more than 100 restaurants* The inside story on the best beaches: where to swim and sun, where to take it off, where to park, how to avoid crowds, and more* A complete guide to the most interesting and exciting sights and attractions in South Florida, plus insider details on Everglades National ParkSample RatingMetrozooAppeal by age Preschool Grade school Teens Over 30 . Young adults SeniorsLocation South of Miami. Take the Florida Turnpike Extension to the Southwest 152nd Street exit and follow the signs to the entrance; # 305-251-0400 for a recorded message; # 305-251-0401 for more informationType of Attraction A "new-style" zoo that features cageless animals that roam on plots of land surrounded by moats; guided and self-guided tours. Admission Adults, $8; children ages 3-12, $4 Hours Daily, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. When to go Avoid sweltering summer afternoons. "You'll die here midday in July and August," a zoo employee reports. Come before 10 a.m. or after 3:30 p.m. to beat the worst of the heat. Saturday, predictably enough, is the most crowded day, while Sunday morning is usually a quiet time to see the zoo. Keep in mind, too, that animals are most active early in the morning and late in the day.

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Steve Goodman: Facing the Music Review

Steve Goodman: Facing the Music
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This is an exhaustively researched, passionately written biography of one of folk music's real treasures. The range of people interviewed, from playground pals to "really famous big time musicians" is huge, and the message is consistent--great talent, great sense of humor, great love of life, great man. I'll never forget any of the times I saw him; the last time, when his health was clearly fading and he was sharing a bill with John Prine came back to me like a film. Thank you for writing this book, thank you for keeping Steve Goodman alive. I hope you find a wide audience and that Steve is "discovered" by many more people.

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Insiders' Guide to Philadelphia (Insiders' Guide Series) Review

Insiders' Guide to Philadelphia (Insiders' Guide Series)
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I threw this guide away after the first skimming. Definitely pales in comparison with the Eyewitness Travel Guide.
This guide seemed to cater to the wealthy traveler and was a bland book with not much illustrations or good organization.
The Eyewitness Books are always the better buy. They are easy to follow, cater to all levels of travel with good maps and suggestions as well.
This was the last Insider's Guide I will buy.

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With The Insider's Guide to Philadelphia in tow, every visitor has "insider info" on the city's best secrets! From fine antiques to cheesesteak, brewbars, celebrity-spotting and free parking, you can get around Philly like the locals do. You'll even learn the best time of day to visit the Liberty Bell.

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Lonely Planet Hong Kong & Macau Review

Lonely Planet Hong Kong and Macau
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Disregard Amazon's reader reviews that precede this one. The earlier comments aren't based on this book at all, but were simply ported to this page from the previous edition's. The well-deserved complaints about "Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou," Ninth Edition, do not apply to "Hong Kong and Macau," 10th Edition. Note that "Guangzhou" was dropped from the title.
I never go on vacation somewhere without first buying the Lonely Planet travel book on the destination. So it's been with some frustration that for the last three years, the Hong Kong book has been among the weakest of the series, at least among those I've bought. But the long-awaited update has some badly needed changes and updates.
The previous edition came out in January 1999, several months after Lonely Planet had released another, entirely different Hong Kong book titled simply "Hong Kong." The "Hong Kong" book was pretty skimpy, including a mere 10 pages or so on Macau. But it did have some helpful color maps at the back of the book.
When "Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou" came out, it included some badly needed material on Macau, as well as the Chinese border cities of Shenzhen and Zhuhai. Unfortunately, the book also lumped in about 90 pages on Guangzhou, and another eight-page supplement on "Hong Kong Film." For 99-plus percent of the people who are visiting the Hong Kong area, these pages were only dead weight. Virtually nobody visiting Hong Kong plans to visit Guangzhou, and why should they? It's a long trip, and by the book's own admission, there's nothing there for tourists anyway.
Even worse, this book was out of date from the moment it hit the streets. Both the "Hong Kong" and "Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou" books gave the location of the Hong Kong Museum of History as Kowloon Park. But the museum had already moved when I visited Hong Kong in November 1998, when the "Hong Kong" book had just came out. And so I was more than a little surprised that "Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou" repeated the same mistake in its January 1999 printing!
But what *really* annoyed me was that "Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou" didn't have the easy-to-read, easy-to-find color maps of the earlier "Hong Kong" book. Instead, the larger book had ugly, hard-to-read black-and-white maps scattered willy-nilly throughout.
This has changed under the book's all-new author, Steve Fallon. (Damian Harper does not get credit in this edition, despite what Amazon says.) Fallon has dropped the Guangzhou section and other useless padding, making the book a lot more portable. The Museum of History's current address is in there now. And the color maps from the slim "Hong Kong" book also are in the back of the new "Hong Kong and Macau." The new book still uses the hard-to-read, hard-to-find B&W maps for the border towns and Macau's islands, but that's a quibble I can live with. Other general information throughout also seems to be current.
I've been looking over the new book for several days now, and overall, it seems that while the worst parts disappeared, the best stuff carried over to the new edition. For instance, I was glad to see that the map of Shenzhen still has the names of landmarks and hotels in Chinese, as well as English. Showing the Shenzhen taxi drivers the Chinese name of where you want to go is usually the only way for non-Chinese-speaking tourists to communicate their intended destination.
While the new edition is a great improvement, it was at least a year overdue. Three years is a long time to have to wait for an update when so much has changed here, given the change in sovereignty in both Hong Kong and Macau. The ninth edition came out just a couple of months after the Hong Kong handover, and *before* the Macau handover, for crying out loud.
I don't know if I could have honestly recommended the ninth edition of "Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou," but I certainly can do so for the 10th edition of "Hong Kong and Macau." Even if you don't plan on visiting here in the immediate future, it's an interesting read.

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This handy guide is just the right size for the intrepid city wanderer. Unsurpassed breadth of coverage and authoritative reviews by a long-time Hong Kong expert.

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Boomer Days Review

Boomer Days
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What a trip! I read Boomer Days in two sittings and was sorry to see it end. Gus Russo, one of my favorite crime reporters, has written another of his entertaining 20th century narratives - this time as a memoir. As a fellow Boomer, I was instantly transported to the era of my youth, as Russo made me think of things I hadn't thought of in years. The golden ages of music, tennis, political upheaval, hippies, conspiracy theories - they all come alive and practically jump off the pages. He all but dares you to prove there was a better time to grow up in the US, and is not shy about his opinions on today's digitized world -- thought provoking stuff. I can't recommend it highly enough.

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Whether you're a nostalgic member of the post-WWII generation or a digital native wondering what all the 'Sixties" talk is about, you will find something to put a smile on your face as Gus Russo takes you on a personal cinematic ride through the turbulent 1960s, 1970s, and beyond. Emerging from the funky blue-collar Baltimore that gave rise to Edgar Allan Poe, H.L. Mencken, Frank Zappa, and John Waters, Russo nurtured an endless curiosity and joie de vivre by inserting himself ala 'Zelig" (or is it 'Forrest Gump"?) into the worlds of a stunning array of American icons- from music, to tennis, to politics, to filmmaking. However, he didn't do so as a 'fan," but as a modern-day Siddhartha, trying to work with, and most importantly learn from the best. He made music with them, played tennis with them, and got pepper-sprayed at rallies with them. Through his eyes we view the civil rights movement, the JFK assassination, the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations, the golden ages of tennis and music, and the rise of the counterculture. Like the late raconteur Jean Shepherd, Russo universalizes his growing-up experience as he follows his bliss during one of the most exciting times to be young in America. Boomer Days will make older readers misty-eyed and younger ones infinitely more informed about this transformational period in American history.

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Runaway Love Review

Runaway Love
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Matthew Steven II is the son of the most powerful crime boss in the
Caribbean. He desires nothing better than to leave his family's
violent history behind him, keep his life "legit" and lead a
respectable existence as an architect in the Miami area.
Kelly Espinosa faked her death and had plastic surgery in her bid to
change her identity and escape her controlling, mobster ex-husband.
When Matthew meets Kelly at a local nightclub, where she works as an
exotic dancer, sparks fly and they find themselves falling in love.
When Matthew decides to return to his native Bahamas and confront
the demons from his family's past, he is accompanied by his new love
Kelly...but Kelly is harboring a secret, which could have lethal
consequences for an unsuspecting Matthew.
Anson Stuart writes a somewhat interesting novel staged against the
lush backdrops of Miami and the Bahamas, but RUNAWAY LOVE is not
without its share of problems. It is overshadowed by stilted
dialogue, superficial characters and under-developed
subplots. Despite these flaws this melancholy drama does have its
shining moments and is a fairly average read.

Reviewed by Autumn
of The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers

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Matthew Stephens II is a talented young architect from the Bahamas. He is the Associate-in-Charge of the Miami office of the largest architectural firm in the United States. Raquel 'Kelly' Espinosa is a beautiful exotic dancer with a secret. They are both trying to escape people and events of their pasts. Matthew is trying to escape the influence of his father, who is the head of the most powerful crime family in the Caribbean. Kelly is trying to escape a very dangerous ex-husband who refuses to let go. In their attempt to runaway from their past they find each other.

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Frommer's London 2009 (Frommer's Complete) Review

Frommer's London 2009 (Frommer's Complete)
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Used this installed on my knindle and iPhone with bookmarks to run around London. Worked great!! Will buy more Frommers as we travel to other locations.

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America's #1 bestselling travel series
Written by more than 175 outspoken travelers around the globe, Frommer's Complete Guides help travelers experience places the way locals do.
More annually updated guides than any other series
16-page color section and foldout map in all annual guides
Outspoken opinions, exact prices, and suggested itineraries
Dozens of detailed maps in an easy-to-read, two-color design

Completely updated every year (unlike most of the competition), Frommer's London features gorgeous color photos and maps, a detachable foldout map of London, and details on all of the city's top museums, attractions, historic sites, and more.
Frommer's London 2009 details the best overall travel experiences, from pub crawls to antique shopping to theater-going; the best of literary England (a side trip to Stratford-upon-Avon); the best museums and galleries, from Tate Modern to the British Museum; and the best hotels and restaurants in all price categories.
It's all done with the trademark Frommer's attention to style, accuracy, and detail, including updated addresses and exact prices. Read an in-depth guide to London's art and architecture, and get the latest trip-planning advice on everything from bargain airfares to museum passes.

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Moon Metro Boston Review

Moon Metro Boston
Average Reviews:

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This guide is succinct and slim. It is easy to pack when you are limiting your luggage weight and taking multiple travel guides. It is our first exposure to this type of guide after being "loaned" one for another city recently. Would buy another for future travels.

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Moon Metro Boston is the definitive guide to the hottest sights, shops, restaurants, amusements, and hotels that "the Hub" has to offer. With vivid color photos and discreet fold-out maps detailing all the must-see neighborhoods, this sleek guide highlights Boston's top sights as well as the spots only the locals know about. Clean, concise, and compact, Moon Metro Boston shows visitors where to dine along the Charles River, grab a drink at a bar near Fenway Park, shop at the boutiques in Beacon Hill, or when to catch a ride in a swan boat at the Public Garden lagoon. Moon Metro guidebooks take urban travel to a new level with an innovative fusion of style and function, and hip insider advice.

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