Lonely Planet New York City (City Travel Guide) Review

Lonely Planet New York City (City Travel Guide)
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If you are like most locals, we never have time to explore the city. Too much work, too many commitments. This guide helped me find things nearby I didn't even know existed. I really like the Loney Planet guides in general and this one is no exception.

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Lonely Planet New YorkHunt down medieval armor and rare baseball cards in the Metropolitan Museum of ArtPub-crawl like a local: leave Manhattan and head to Brooklyn's hippest barsBreathe in the salt air on a boat cruise around NYC's cinematic skylineGet outta town! Day-trip to the posh Hamptons or the picturesqueIn This Guide:Three local authors, 240 hours of research, 63 slices of pizza and 315 miles of subway ridesGet the low-down on the High Line, Hudson River Park and other urban transformationsNew color section gives you insider picks for NYC's arts and cultural offeringsContent updated daily - visit lonelyplanet.com/new-york-city for up-to-the-minute reviews, updates and traveler insights

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