Outlaw Biker: My Life at Full Throttle Review

Outlaw Biker: My Life at Full Throttle
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Dick Hayes's story "Outlaw Biker: My Life at Full Throttle" is perhaps one of the few realistic, centerline stories of a man who adopted the 1%er lifestyle and the motorcycle that goes with it as his way of living life. He is not a Sonny Barger nor a Ruben Cavazos, but rather a run-of-the-mill guy / biker who lived the bulk of his life on the fringes of society with all that entails...that's why he calls himself an outlaw biker.
In the macro picture he's your average 1%er and he describes how really unromantic the daily doings of a outlaw rider are despite the few, primarily criminal, "bright spots" - all that ultimately lead to either the hospital, the courts, or prison from what Dick describes.
As with nearly all bios and auto-bios coming from this slice of the criminal culture, little if any remorse is extended to the victims of the outlaw biker world's dependence on drug dealing, theft, firearms trafficking, sexual slavery, assault, murder, rape, domestic violence and all those other society-killing activities that keep him and those like him rolling on two wheels.
This exclusion of individual responsibility is yet another affirmation coming from the 1%er sub-culture of why Hunter Thompson ended his book on the Hells Angels with this advice from "The Heart of Darkness", the classic tome of Man at his very worst -
"The horror! The horror!...Exterminate all the brutes!"
Cleanly written, easy to put down and pick back up again, kudos to his co-writer for bringing it to life in print.

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Here is the true story of Richard "Deadeye" Hayes in all its bad-ass, balls-to-the-wall glory. This is a man who stole a machine gun before he was seven and lost his left eye when a good friend shot him in the face. As a member-and the president-of the infamous Los Valientes motorcycle club, he broke more laws and had more fun than any six of the coolest guys you know. One of the last true Outlaw Bikers, Deadeye knows what it means to be a man, take shit from no one, and have tattoos that actually say something. Riding, drug dealing, and sending men to the hospital with his bare hands, Deadeye made himself a legend among bikers-all the while making sure his daughters never got mixed up with guys like him. In his own words, Deadeye tells it all. From earning his colors with an outlaw motorcycle club to his steady diet of drugs, sex, violence, and crime, this is his story: true life, yet larger than life, and full throttle all the way

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