2,001 Ways To Pamper Yourself Review

2,001 Ways To Pamper Yourself
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You really don't need this book. Yes, there may be a few interesting ideas here and there but perhaps, it would be suffice to have a list of 50 to get you started thinking how to pamper yourself and then you can think of better ways yourself. Okay, if you need some excuses (like "oh, the book said it will be good if I pamper myself this way"), go get the book. Otherwise, save the money and buy yourself a real treat.

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Pampering means caretaking, indulging, and making yourself feel good, and it's your right to be pampered whenever you need it-any time, day or night.In 2,001 Ways to Pamper Yourself, Lorraine Bodger offers hundreds and hundreds of serious and lighthearted tips for treating yourself royally, from the sublime to the maybe-it's-silly-but-it-makes-me-feel-good ridiculous. You'll get such advice as:Take a scented bath by candlelight.Visit a comedy club and laugh till you fall out of your chair.Hire someone to wash your windows.Get rid of every item of clothing that doesn't look great on you. Eat peanut butter straight from the jar.Take a day off during the week. Stay in bed and do nothing. Throw a tantrum. Have dessert first. Sit in a sculpture garden and meditate. Bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies and keep them all for yourself. Swim out as far as you can and look back at the shore. See how small your problems are.Through Bodger's insightful wit and wisdom, you'll remember that you're someone special, a person who deserves to be well taken care of. So go ahead-pamper yourself.

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