Explorer's Guide Phoenix, Scottsdale, Sedona & Central Arizona: A Great Destination (Second Edition) (Explorer's Great Destinations) Review

Explorer's Guide Phoenix, Scottsdale, Sedona and Central Arizona: A Great Destination (Second Edition)  (Explorer's Great Destinations)
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Christine Bailey's "Phoenix, Scottsdale, Sedona & Central Arizona: Great Destinations: A Complete Guide" is an unusual entry in the world of modern visitor guides. Although it includes the standard reference material found in any good guide, this book is actually meant to be read by the traveler. Its conversational tone reflects the author's living experience in "the Valley of the Sun" as well as the necessary research.
Phoenix is the fifth largest city in the country, and one of Bailey's challenges is to do justice to a cityscape and metropolitan area spread over a couple of thousand square miles of high desert central Arizona. It turns out there is a lot to see and do beyond enjoying the warm, dry climate: everything from golf to professional sports. Bailey succeeds in providing a honest sense of history and character in detailing the recreational and touristing opportunities. Her narrative includes a broad swath of recommendations for places to eat, sleep, and shop.
This reviewer's one complaint is a shortage of detailed maps that could tie together a geospatial sense of a sprawling metropolitan area. A supplemental map of Phoenix is recommended to go along with this guide, itself highly recommended as an introduction to Phoenix and central Arizona.

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Among mountains and desert, take in one spectacular natural wonder after another and capture the adventure of Arizona.
Imagine all the adventuresyou'll have in Arizona—touring the mountainsand red deserts, seeingone spectacular naturalwonder after another: theGrand Canyon, OrganPipe Cactus NationalMonument...Discoverthe art galleries, museums,resorts, and cuisine thathelp make Phoenix andScottsdale such hot destinations. Full-color photographs throughout

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