1,000 Things to Love About America: Celebrating the Reasons We're Proud to Call the U.S.A. Home Review

1,000 Things to Love About America: Celebrating the Reasons We're Proud to Call the U.S.A. Home
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An endlessly entertaining trip through America and its culture. It is surprising in its choices and range of subjects, an eclectic approach that pays off for the reader. This reader learned a lot while laughing a lot along the way.

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From jazz to the Gettysburg Address to baseball to the White Castle hamburger-here are the 1,000 greatest things about America!

The Pilgrims called their new nation "a shining city upon a hill." Abraham Lincoln praised it as "the last, best hope of mankind." In times of boom or bust, this remarkable land we know as America has been a beacon of hope illuminating the world. Now the authors of 1,000 Years, 1,000 People: Ranking the Men and Women Who Shaped the Millennium have teamed up once again to pay unabashed tribute to the greatness of our country-in a fascinating, fun, and informative celebration of the concepts, inventions, institutions, icons, history, social trends, geographical wonders, and consumer products that have made the U.S.A. such an awesomely amazing place!

The Constitution • Mount Rushmore • Backyard Decks • Monopoly Internet Shopping • Duct Tape • Yogi Berra • The Super Bowl Ultimate Frisbee • The Fifth Amendment • The PTA • The Indy 500 Freedom of the Press • Hollywood • Sesame Street • ChapStick Poker • The Wizard of Oz • Fast Food • The Cleveland Orchestra

The Barn Owl • Glacier National Park • Jack Daniel's Old No. 7 Patchwork Quilts • Soap Operas • Joy of Cooking • West Point A Streetcar Named Desire • The Florida Keys • The Red Cross Wikipedia • Deodorant • The Hubble Space Telescope • Grizzly Bears The Beach Boys • The White House • Recycling • Meat Loaf

. . . and many, many more Things to Love About America!

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The Wizards of Spin: America's Favorite News Stars Review

The Wizards of Spin: America's Favorite News Stars
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John Ruane is a masterful story teller and observer of broadcast media. The thinly disguised characters of this entertaining and insightful collection of stories will have you laughing out loud as you imagine the media personalities all too realistically going through the plot points. Better not to describe any of them here because seeing these characters in the circumstances Ruane sets around them is half the fun.
The point of the book, though, is to demonstrate how genuinely silly some of these media stars are when pushed by the writer's imagination a bit further than network rules -- are there really any left? -- permit. It also offers a compelling realization that the line between newsmaker and news reporter has virtually disappeared! For anyone who has ever wondered from what planet these interpreters of our news originate, this is a book worth savoring. Then having read it, you can shake your head and wonder what's next -- but getting to this realization will have been a lot of fun.

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Over the past 20 years as cable television has grown to compete directly with the major networks, America has experienced a major change in news and talk broadcasting.This has resulted in a shift in journalistic practices, a departure away from the 'just the facts" reporting of the Walter Cronkite generation. Today, our airwaves are filled with a plethora of media stars, who can't just read the news any more. No, they must have a point of view, and that viewpoint will determine which network they spin their side of the story; their perspective on the news of the day. With so much interest in news and talk shows, author John Ruane has researched and written stories to inform the reader about these celebrity news stars, many of whom are inciting Americans and creating a greater divide in this country. They are the new generation of media, filling our airwaves with around-the-clock commentary, purely to draw ratings. But has this resulted in the start of a new civil war where Americans can't be civil to each other any longer? Are they drawing a line in the sand and telling each of us to step on one side or the other?Don't these broadcasters have a responsibility to be responsible? The author exposes the truth of these Wizards of Spin through satire.

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Whips and Kisses Review

Whips and Kisses
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This book does nothing to further the reader's education regarding the Ds/SM/BD lifestyle. Rather, the story portrayed here tells of a woman with no direction or self esteem. To claim she is a dominant is an affront to the very word. She has no personal power of her own. She is just a sad little girl who has no conception of what it means to internalize either Dominance or submission. Don't waste your money on stupidity.

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Frommer's Vancouver & Victoria 2005 (Frommer's Complete) Review

Frommer's Vancouver and Victoria 2005 (Frommer's Complete)
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Having never been to Victoria before this book has been extremely helpful and informative. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is going to the beautiful City of Victoria or Vancouver Island.

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You'll never fall into the tourist traps when you travel with Frommer's. It's like having a friend show you around, taking you to the places locals like best. Our expert authors have already gone everywhere you might go—they've done the legwork for you, and they're not afraid to tell it like it is, saving you time and money. No other series offers candid reviews of so many hotels and restaurants in all price ranges. Every Frommer's Travel Guide is up-to-date, with exact prices for everything, dozens of color maps, and exciting coverage of sports, shopping, and nightlife. You'd be lost without us!
Thoroughly updated every year (unlike most of the competition), Frommer's Vancouver & Victoria features gorgeous color photos of the sights and experiences that await you. The guide is meticulously researched by local residents, who share their favorite finds in these two crown jewels of British Columbia.
You'll find great places to stay for every taste and budget, from elegant harborside hotels to family-friendly inns, and the latest on dining, from innovative Pacific Rim cuisine to traditional fish 'n' chips. You'll discover spectacular gardens, colorful neighborhoods, art galleries, beaches, and more—with detailed maps, city strolls, sizzling nightlife, and ferry trips to nearby islands. Also featured are fabulous side trips, including skiing at Whistler, and great places for whale watching, hiking, sea kayaking, and more. You'll even get an online directory that makes trip-planning a snap.
If you're exploring beyond the cities, you might want to check out Frommer's British Columbia & the Canadian Rockies or Frommer's Canada.

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Native's Guide to New York: Advice With Attitude for People Who Live Here--And Visitors We Like (5th Edition) Review

Native's Guide to New York: Advice With Attitude for People Who Live Here--And Visitors We Like (5th Edition)
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Here's why I find this book invaluable: I am a New Yorker, yet I'm able to use it as a guidebook to my own city. It has all kinds of out of the way places such as East Village eatery Veselka that would not appear in the typical tourists guide. And it is written in a way that's both edgy and accessible. I can only imagine that this book would be a great resource for non-New Yorkers.

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Celebrating its fifth edition and its fifteenth anniversary, the completely updated Native's Guide to New York is still the quintessential insider's guide, "filled with the outrageous to the obvious: a must read for any New Yorker claiming to be a New Yorker" (New York Daily News). Richard Laermer "clues you in to all manner of diversions even born-and-bred locals may not know" (Los Angeles Times): where to find the best party at 5 a.m. and where to find the best bagels afterward; where to go on a date in the daytime (and where to find a date while volunteering); the best gardens and the most famous crime sites; the best places to eat alone or to play pool; and those unspoken places to avoid. Informative sidebars and indexes by both name and neighborhood help you find places easily. Laermer has an eye for what's hip and what's here to stay.

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Frommer's Great Britain Review

Frommer's Great Britain
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We have traveled extensively throughout Europe, using the Frommer Guides written by Darwin Porter and Danforth Prince. We have found that they give excellent advice, and that they are unfailingly reliable and cutting edge. We were particularly excited to find the highlights of Great Britain condensed into one easy guide: England, Scotland and Wales. All the sights, hotels, and restaurants were laid out for you, the best in each category--budget to expensive. Numerous options in various price zones were clearly identifiable. For those who do not have time to go into every nook and cranny of Britain, this is the guide for you. The nuggets have already been found by those who have gone there before you and evaluated the attractions, discarding places and things that are not worth the time and money. We're not interested in seeing every pile of ruins with just a few stones in Britain. We want to taste the cream, and Frommer's Great Britain is a rich and highly readable and usable option. Don't leave home without it!

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Frommer's Great Britain is a terrific first edition guide packed with tips for planning the perfect trip to Great Britain. We'll show you the best of London, including the world-class theater scene, then set off to explore the rest of Great Britain. You'll admire the spires of Oxford, kick back in the cozy pubs of Edinburgh, go rambling in the Cotswolds, tour the spectacular gardens and parks of Cardiff, and chow down on the best seafood in Scotland.
You'll find candid reviews of a huge selection of accommodations in all price ranges, from chic boutique hotels and stately country house lodgings to homey B&Bs. It's all accompanied by dozens of color maps, the latest trip-planning advice on everything from bargain airfares to rail passes, money-saving tips, and a complete shopper's guide. You'll even get a free color fold-out map and an online directory that makes trip-planning a snap!

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The Vile File: Jokes too Sick for the Stage Review

The Vile File: Jokes too Sick for the Stage
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Throw Stephen Wright into a high-speed blender along with the darker stuff from the old National Lampoon magazine, and the result would this book. The Vile File features incredibly funny, twisted takes on the world. These are the kind of lines that you'll repeat to your friends, just to see their reaction. The jokes are exquisitely crafted one-liners that will conjure up that rarest of laughs: a groan of disgust that transforms into a howl of laughter. If you liked the old National Lampoon magazine, the one-liners of Stephen Wright or Rodney Dangerfield, or the twisted cartoons of Callahan, you'll love this book. Not recommended for people with heart conditions!

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The File Vile is a joke book. It contains 280 dark comedy"one liner" type jokes.

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Writer's Market FAQ's: Fast answers about getting published and the business of writing Review

Writer's Market FAQ's: Fast answers about getting published and the business of writing
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"Young" writers often make the mistake of believing that all they have to do to get published is learn the craft of writing and hone their talent, says Peter Rubie. "Alas," he adds, "technique is only a path, not an end." Then he goes on to say that the trick for new writers is to find what kind of books publishers want and who will publish the books he wants to write.
Rubie loves to answer questions and that's what this book does. It's quite comprehensive. There's no way I can give you a complete overview of the questions he answers but you'll get some idea from the subjects. In Chapter 1 he begins at the beginning: "How do I get started in the business of writing?" Notice the question is not about starting to write, it's about the business. Rubie has answers for questions like what to do when you're staring at a blank computer screen and whether or not writer's groups are useful so it's not all business.
Chapter 2 is about genres. In it he explains what they are, why they matter, how writers meet reader's expectations and more.
Chapter 3 covers agents, editors and "publishing people" with detailed information on subjects like researching agents and editors, what they do, reading fees, organizations, Code of Ethics, agreements, editorial departments, art departments, subsidiary rights ad infinitum.
Chapter 4 discusses marketing, from your idea to the bookstore. What to do about time sensitive material, trends, what to do with a great idea.
Chapter 5 describes developing ideas and creating book proposals. This leads off with "What should I write about?" and covers bad ideas, "reader's needs," exercises to develop ideas, writing different book proposals, structure, writing organizations, to name a few.
Chapter 6 gives you a good idea of how your book is developed from a manuscript from "what happens when I get an agent?" through subjects like what "well published" means and whether you need a lawyer. He talks about revisions, charts and illustrations, corrected manuscripts and finishing the book.
Chapter 7 has a lot of great information about how to read book contracts and what to do about them.
Chapter 8 discusses subrights and royalties pretty thoroughly and goes into sharing, selling foreign rights, returns and book scouts.
Chapter 9 is all about E-publishing and book packaging.
Chapter 10 covers writing and editing with discussions of things like rewriting, critiquing groups, structure in writing, "creative nonfiction," author's voice, dramatization and lots more.
Lest you have the impression that Rubie's book is just for newcomers, let me assure you that the information he offers is thorough enough and detailed enough to be useful to anyone no matter how seasoned. These are the questions writers ask, and Rubie has the answers.
Peter Rubie has been an editor and a literary agent as well as a book reviewer and author of fiction and nonfiction. He is the president of the Peter Rubie Literary Agency in New York City. In Writer's Market FAQs, Rubie serves up the world of publishing in the clear, cold light of fact.

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Writers question everything - authority, reality, status quo. But when they have questions about the craft, business and idiosyncrasies of writing there was no single source for fast answers - until now. Writer's Market FAQs provides all the information in one easy-to-use, comprehensive reference, covering topics like: Inspiration; Getting Published; E-Publishing; Protecting Your Work; Working with Agents and Editors; Nearly all writers want to be published - more easily, more often, or for more money. They also want inside information on how publishing works and how they can improve their chances of getting published. Peter Rubie's quick-reference, question-and-answer approach delivers the goods easily and rapidly.

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Florida for Dummies Review

Florida for Dummies
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David Grimes ' Jun 12, 2003'Florida for Dummies' cites obvious
Considering that it is the home of six species of poisonous snakes, two species of poisonous spiders, sharks, stingrays, fire ants, hurricanes, sinkholes, tourists from Ontario and the kind of merciless summer sun that turns dashboards into puddles of goo, the book title "Florida for Dummies" would seem to be stating the obvious.
Still, I thought it would be interesting to leaf through the latest installment in a series that has given us such classics as "Parenting for Dummies," "Sex for Dummies" (presumably you would want to read this before the other), "Feng Shui for Dummies" and the unforgettable "Pilates for Dummies."
Written by Florida natives Cynthia and Jim Tunstall, "Florida for Dummies" is mostly a travel guide for tourists, offering advice on where to eat, where to stay and what to see. I was particularly interested in chapter 17 which deals with our little slice of paradise. Sarasota is described as an "upscale retirement community" while its neighbor to the north, Bradenton, is described, rather curiously, as a "casual fishing village" and, somewhat more accurately, a "blue-collar town." Port Charlotte, and for that matter all of Charlotte County, does not exist, at least not in the pages of this book.
"Florida for Dummies" recommends only five restaurants in our area and most of them are hoity-toity places like Michael's On East and Euphemia Haye. My two favorite places to eat, the Hob Nob Drive In and Council's pool hall, were inexplicably omitted from the list. Likewise, under the category of hotels, the book favors places like the Colony Beach & Tennis Resort and makes no mention of any of Bradenton's fine accommodations like the Blue Boy Motel.
But my main problem with "Florida for Dummies" is that it portrays our state as a great place to visit, which will only serve to attract more tourists, making life even more miserable for those of us who live here. Instead of bragging about our many theme parks, museums and golf courses, I wish the authors had spent more time warning people about our horrible traffic, dangerous weather and various other aspects of nature that are bent on doing us in.
People need to understand that the stomach-churning thrills found on the roller coasters at Busch Gardens are nothing compared to the heart-in-the-mouth fear that comes from navigating U.S. 41 at rush hour. There is a section in the book called "Minding the Road Rules" which focuses on predictable stuff like buckling your seat belt and obeying the speed limit. The authors fail to mention that it is customary in Florida for tourists to turn on their left-turn signal when they cross the Florida/Georgia line and leave it on until they return home the following spring. They also omit the fact that Floridians interpret traffic lights differently than people do in other parts of the country. In Florida, green means "go," yellow means "go faster" and red means "go faster still while at the same time ordering a pizza over your cell phone."
Potential visitors to Florida also need to be made aware of the fact that summer in Florida begins in early March and continues through mid-December and that temperatures during that time are high enough to cause birds to spontaneously combust in mid-air. Winter consists of four days in the low 30s when year-round residents go into the kind of panic state one normally associates with major earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. Any time the temperature dips below 70 degrees, Florida residents run to the grocery store to stock up on Spam, tuna fish and bottled water and just generally act like they are preparing to join Admiral Peary on his trek to the North Pole.
Prices in Florida are outrageous, a fact that the authors of "Florida for Dummies" barely bother to mention. A week-long vacation at Disney World basically means that your son's or daughter's dream of a four-year college education will be downgraded to six months at a vo-tech on the outskirts of Lake City. The sales tax in Florida is something like 94 percent, give or take, which means that a bowl of soup and an iced tea will cost only slightly less than your plane ticket from Toronto.
Still, if you are absolutely committed to a vacation in Florida, "Florida for Dummies" offers lots of useful tips and information, things that you are unlikely to find elsewhere, most specifically in this column.
But if you go, keep an eye peeled for swamp apes. They think tourists are delicious.

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This valuable guide is written in an irreverent style by a husband-and-wife team who are candid about what's a "can't-miss" and what's a waste of time. Florida for Dummies includes complete coverage of the Orlando-area parks, from Walt Disney World to Universal's Islands of Adventure. Tips on the must-see attractions of Florida - Miami and the Keys, the Everglades, etc.-are balanced by insider tips for finding and exploring off-beat attractions.

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Cardiff & South Wales (Footprint - Pocket Guides) Review

Cardiff and South Wales (Footprint - Pocket Guides)
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I had already purchased several useful guides on Wales, The Rough Guide to Wales and Wales by The Lonely Planet, both had their strongpoints, are larger versus this handy pocket size. I wanted more detail on Cardiff so I purchase this next. This pocket size guide has something I value a lot; more internet websites listing for hotels, other places of interest, with a succinct description. Naturally, it has a more expansive list of places to stay, dine, with price range coding. Also suggestions on what to sight see, as one would expect. It is well organized and also has information on the surrounding South Wales area. It has a short chronology of the history of the area. Nice city section and area maps are in the final pages. Limited black and white photos are interspersed in this guide, more would have delighted. This guide had information on local golf with websites. I am an avid golfer and have other golf guides that cover that topic, but did not have some of these included.

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New-born capital of Celtic cool. Best of the sights. Galleries and museums. Hard-drinking poets and soft sandy beaches. Hip hotels and friendly B&B's. Europe's oldest language. Hot bards and chilled cafés. Walks in the wild. Detailed maps to help plan your trip. Britain's best book town. Kid's stuff. Divas, sex symbols and male voice choirs...

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Lonely Planet New York City Condensed (Lonely Planet New York City Encounter) Review

Lonely Planet New York City Condensed (Lonely Planet New York City Encounter)
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Excellent New York guide book: filled with many places to eat, go, visit, and simply ejoy. Also features detailed pop out maps of the city and surrounding areas. Imporant NYC phone numbers. Includes NYC history and information about specific areas and things to do. For example, let's say you want to know about Central Park. The book has a color picture of the park. It also has the parks location listed, information about the visitor center, a phone number, which buses you can take to get there, what hours it is opened, the cost, the website, and restaurants. There. The book is also entirely in color. Very cheap too!...

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Following on from the strong success of the first edition, this book includes improved map coverage and five boroughs worth of famous sights and fringe venues with opinionated reviews and practical information at each turn. Whether you're interested in hot dogs, show hopping or techno bowling, it's all here.

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Lunchtime Walks in Downtown San Francisco Review

Lunchtime Walks in Downtown San Francisco
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Now that Spring is here, Gail Todd's walking guide to San Francisco is indispensible for anyone living in the City and looking for a new way to explore it. Beautiful pictures, detailed maps, tons of great ideas for lunchtime walks -- this guide has it all.

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This book gets you out and about in one of America's most walkable cities. Here you will find 33 walks you can complete in a lunchbreak with time enough and tips for a quick meal.

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Cities to Go: The Top 25 High-Energy, Make-Every-Minute-Count City Getaways Review

Cities to Go: The Top 25 High-Energy, Make-Every-Minute-Count City Getaways
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This travel book actually tells you how to ENJOY a city while avoiding the usual pitfalls. Very helpful.

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Cities are back! When suburban routines become old, many travelers take a quick trip to the city for live music, gourmet food, sophisticated shopping, and an invigorating rush of big-city energy. Cities to Go is filled with savvy planning tips for an action-packed urban getaway. There's a chapter for each city, with descriptions of the city's style and atmosphere; sidebars featuring insider tips, special events, and unique places; selective restaurant, hotel, and shopping listings; and information on outdoor parks and activities. A planning chapter explains how to find a city that offers the best airline connections and rates and how to get a good price on last-minute hotel reservations. It also provides strategies for packing the most fun into a short trip and includes seasonal travel information, detailed resources, and important Web addresses.

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It's Not Easy Bein' Me: A Lifetime of No Respect but Plenty of Sex and Drugs Review

It's Not Easy Bein' Me: A Lifetime of No Respect but Plenty of Sex and Drugs
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I saw Rodney a couple of years ago in the Salt Lake City airport sitting in a chair waiting for his flight to LAX with his wife. He looked old and frail, but I gave him a wave and he gave me back a wink with his trademark okay sign. That was very cool.
So when I bought this book I was really looking forward to an interesting read....and I found it.
This book has a tons of jokes that are used to separate his stories (and he's got a lot of them) within the chapters. I now realize how hard he worked and really how little he received back in terms of material riches. (He only received $35,000 for Caddyshack with no residuals!)
There are so many funny stories about show business, struggling as a comedian, sex, women, drugs, his youth, his health, friends, marriage, and of course, not getting any respect.
I know that Rodney may not be with us very long as he is in his 80's and dealing with health issues, but I feel lucky to have seen him since the Ed Sullivan days, through the Johnny Carson years, the Miller Lite Beer commercials, the hilarious movies, and up to my incident at the Salt Lake City airport.
Here's a real success story in disguise from a kind man who has made us all laugh for decades.
This book adds so much to my appreciation of this humble and very human man. I'm going to watch "Back To School" and "Caddyshack" again soon.
Thanks Rodney. You have my respect.

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Hollywood, Here I Come: How to Launch a Great Modeling or Acting Career Anywhere & Land in Los Angeles Review

Hollywood, Here I Come: How to Launch a Great Modeling or Acting Career Anywhere and Land in Los Angeles
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Just started my acting and modeling career. This book has saved me so much time. I also feel safe since I know all the scams that are going on out there. An easy read that is packed with great info.

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This indispensible guide launches novices ahead of the pack in the competitiveworld of acting and modeling. It's a must for actors of any age who take their work seriously.Cynthia Hunter's interactive approach helps aspiring entertainers focus upon, then reinvent theirgoals and perceptions of success. Peppered with Cynthia's personal experiences, her bookincludes:*How to be irresistible to agents*How to sidestep scams and want-ad weasels*How to develop an image that sizzles*How to separate the players from the playboys*Steps to get started in your hometown todayThis is the ultimate industry guide, with a Rolodex including 500 never-before-published phonenumbers to help every step of the way!

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Lighten Up: Survival Skills for People Under Pressure Review

Lighten Up: Survival Skills for People Under Pressure
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I am buying this book because I went to a CW lecture/performance. He was a truly amazing man who used humor to help pople recover from horrific experiences. His relating of the courage of the survivors he worked with showing the aburdity, beauty, sensitivity, fragility and toughness of life is magnificent. The humorous perspective gained by his clients is humbling when you consider the traumas they have coped with. I hope some of these experiences are included in this book. I'll always remember and be grateful for his humor and gift of communication.

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Humor can help you thrive in change, remain creative under pressure, work more effectively, play more enthusiastically, and stay healthier in the process. But humor is also a set of specific, learned skills, and like any other discipline, these skills need to be developed. Lighten Up shows you how to build these skills so that you can see the absurdity in difficult situations and take yourself lightly while you take your job, problem, or challenge seriously.

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Frommer's Cape Cod, Nantucket & Martha's Vineyard 2007 (Frommer's Complete) Review

Frommer's Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard 2007 (Frommer's Complete)
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I update my Frommers annually to keep as a resource in my home. My guests appreciate the way this book is sectioned. I have discovered places and sights I never would have thought of by perusing this book. Would recommend this for travelers as well as residents of the area.

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Completely updated every year (unlike most of the competition), Frommer's Cape Cod, Nantucket & Martha's Vineyard has something for everyone, whether you're looking for romance or family fun. You'll find details on the best towns, beaches, whale-watching cruises, bike rides, clam shacks, bird-watching, antique shops, and art galleries. The guide is written by a longtime resident of Cape Cod, who has personally inspected all the B&Bs, inns, cottages, and motels she recommends.

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