How to Talk to Famous People: and make your grandma laugh Review

How to Talk to Famous People: and make your grandma laugh
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In between nonsensical statements and silly stories are delicious nuggets of wisdom bathed in witty humor and spiced by straight-up questions left for you to answer. I'm over half done and only purchased it this morning. It's a few bucks, an easy read, and on a couple occasions it left me in tears ... from laughing so hard. I can't imagine why someone wouldn't get a kick out of this book and I heartily recommend it to everyone.
Also ... the style reminds me of Jack Handey's "Deep Thoughts" which is a compliment in my opinion.

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There is a problem. There are too many socially awkward people in the world. Statistically speaking, you are one of them. With that kind of dilemma, how will you ever talk to a famous person?Through a collection of humorous and random observations, 'How to Talk to Famous People" is ready to shatter your comfort zone. Get ready to embark on a journey that finally reorganizes your passions in the right direction.My desire is to wake you up to your dreams, make you smile, and help you become socially less awkward. Good luck."I could have invented the light bulb, but I was born in 1985." - Tommy Leonard

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