Russell Brand: Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know Review

Russell Brand: Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know
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Reading this book is like reading an old entry in Encyclopædia Britannica: detailed but dull.

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The summer of 2006 belonged to Russell Brand. It seemed as if the gangly motor-mouth, who resembled nothing so much as a Dickensian villain with a birdsnest on his head, was a sensation everywhere. From being the commentator on Big Brother to upstaging Jonathan Ross on the chat show king's own program, there was no escaping Russell's lewd, innuendo-laden humor. But Russell's career has been long and varied. In fact, it looked as if it was all over for him back in 2001 when he turned up for work at MTV the day after the September 11 attacks dressed as Osama Bin Laden. That he managed to make such an amazing comeback is testament to his outstanding abilities. Russell's personal life has been as wild and unconventional as his career and something that he draws freely upon for his comedy. He has talked openly about his former use of drugs and his sex life. It's no wonder he's talked about as the brightest new star in the country. Find out all about the enigmatic Russell Brand, in this, the first biography.

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