Mae West: It Ain't No Sin Review

Mae West: It Ain't No Sin
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She loved to push the envelope . . . and push it she did. There was her highly publicized arrest in NYC on moral charges and a 10-day jail stay, but few people know that Mae West pushed that #10 a bit too far on radio---a 1937 sketch about Adam and Eve (she was Eve, Don Ameche, Adam) was so far out of bounds that she was barred from NBC and did not appear on radio again for 31 years. Proof, indeed, that when she was good, she was very, very good, but when she was bad, she was better. Simon Louvish's biography of the sexpot is a detailed, unapologetic work on the woman who reinvented herself artistically while constantly maintaining an aura of sexuality uncommon in public display at that time. Enlightening and exhaustively researched (this is the first West bio to make use of her recently uncovered personal papers), but the publisher still has done her wrong: The reproduction of the photos is dismal and distracting.

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