Breaking Into Acting For Dummies Review

Breaking Into Acting For Dummies
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For anyone who has always wanted to be an actor, but has no idea where to begin - this is a great book. It covers all the basic like getting an agent, your headshot and resume, the unions. And even deals with more intermediate stuff like marketing yourself as an actor, auditioning and managing your money. I found the chapters on acting in Film and Television, Commercials and Theatre to be very helpful, since each is so different from eachother. The book also covers getting Voice-over work, and working as an Extra. There is even a chapter on getting your kids into acting.
This books touches on alot of different topics and is a very good starting book for the beginning actor.

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Provides the expert advice you need to get your big break!Jump-start your career and land that paying partFrom preparing for auditions to finding an agent, the acting business is a challenging and competitive field. This indispensable guide is what every aspiring actor needs to get a foot in the door. Discover how to market yourself, choose a dynamic head shot, create a stellar acting resume, join unions, and pay the bills while you pursue your acting dreams.The Dummies Way* Explanations in plain English* "Get in, get out" information* Icons and other navigational aids* Tear-out cheat sheet* Top ten lists* A dash of humor and fun

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