The Game Behind the Game: Mastering the Art of Bullshit Review

The Game Behind the Game: Mastering the Art of Bullshit
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Parr is a black man that has been very successful in syndicated radio. In this book, he urges people trying to get a job or trying to rise up in the hierarchy that there are times where the best actions are to do a little "a$$-kissing." The narrative is autobiographical and motivational as he describes what he has done in rising to his level of success.
His advice is unorthodox, but I generally found it refreshing. For example, his fourteenth and last rule is "Put the Power of Negative Thinking to Work For You in a Positive Way." His point is that while it is necessary to have lofty goals, those ideals must be realistic and that you MUST have a plan. One of the best segments of the book is on page 223:
"Thinking positively is nice, but it has nothing to do with getting anywhere. Having a goal is nice, but a goal alone is useless if you don't know how to play the game."
This is a nice grounding in reality in a world where so many people indicate that all it takes to succeed is to have a positive attitude. That is a scam; success is the combination of believing in yourself and making the right decisions based on a sensible plan of action.
Parr also uses phrases that only a black man could use with impunity. The phrase "Dumb Negro Syndrome" (DNS) is used several times. While it is a reference to the earlier need for blacks to pretend to be ignorant in order to avoid showing up whites, Parr extends it to include workers of all types. He uses it to refer to the situations where the outward speaking of the truth will publicly expose a superior in an error or oversight. His point is that while the urge would be to be brutally honest, there are times when it is best to "play dumb" so that the right thing is done without offense.
As Parr acknowledges, some of the minority readers of the book will accuse him of being an "Uncle Tom", accepting degradation in order to achieve personal advancement. While I am not a minority, it is easy to see why some would believe that. However, this is advice for people of all types, for Parr is right in stating that every aspect of life where interaction with others is required is a series of compromises and the creation of convenient and effective community falsehoods. Or expressed in Parr's style, "the world runs on BS."

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At a time when record numbers of Americans are unemployed and under-employed, syndicated radio personality Russ Parr has something important to add to the conversation about how to get a job, keep a job or move up the corporate ladder.The Game Behind The Game: Mastering The Art Of Bullshita fresh look at what it really takes to win impress bosses and move ahead in the business game.In his humorous, urban style, Parr lets everyone know that 'the world runs on BS'and if you want to be 'cash-checking' (i.e. making money)- you might need to pucker up for a little old fashioned a$$-kissing.A how-to-succeed-in-business book unlike any you've ever seen, Parr offers readers a unique and humorous approach to what it really takes to succeed. Using the unique examples gleaned from his syndicated program The Russ Parr Morning Show, Parr recounts the foibles of unfortunate characterswhose examples the reader should avoid-as well as stories from Parr's own riveting journey and ultimate ascent to top of the national airwaves. From his advice on 'How to Talk BS,' his suggestions to 'play the opposite' of what people expect and his heartfelt belief in the 'Power of Negative Thinking' Parr offers a move by move blueprint for success that is accessible to all. No matter the field in which your career aspirations may lie, Parr teaches us how to be victorious with a long term strategy while leap-frogging competitors who play the success game with a short term vision.This part motivational part biographical narrative boasts a lively wisdom delivered in a straight-forward diatribe that only an uncensored Russ Parr can convey.

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