199 Fun and Effective Fundraising Events for Nonprofit Organizations Review

199 Fun and Effective Fundraising Events for Nonprofit Organizations
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As a president of a nonprofit organization I was excited to be able to review this book because we are in require much needed funding. After perusing this book I felt that many of the events can be executed providing there are enough volunteers to carry through with the projects.
Some of the events suggested by Sandlin and Helweg are: Dollar Days, Thrilling Theater Dinner, Host a Radio Show, Water Sports Challenge, Superhero Fair, and much more . Each suggestions includes: Sponsor/Donations; Possible Venue/s; Recommended number of volunteers; Preparation time needed; Execution; and, Tips. I especially appreciated the sections "Preparation" because the authors give a step-by-step detail of what needs to be done and when.
Not all the events would work for all nonprofits but I believe there are enough suggestions that any nonprofit can at least choose five and go with those. As in case with most nonprofits recruiting volunteers is often a major issue. However, there are many events listed that would only take as little as 5 people to pull it off.
I believe this book would be of interest to any committee in charge of bringing in funding, be it a school, church, or any other group attempting to raise funds. The content of the book is laid out in easy format; it is concise, to the point, and informative. I certainly do recommend this book; there are a lot of suggestions in between the covers.

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Are you tired of searching everywhere to find fresh and exciting fundraising ideas for your nonprofit organization? Finally, here is the resource to turbo charge your events! Inside this groundbreaking book you will find 199 fundraising events that have worked for other organizations. This handy guide is broken into two sections: simple events and complex events. The simple events can be put together quickly with minimal time, supplies, and volunteers. The complex events require more planning and manpower, but will generate more revenue for your organization. Every event has a quick overview chart so you can see at a glance if the event is a good fit for your group. You will immediately be able to assess the degree of effort required in six major categories: estimated cost, obtaining sponsors and donations, finding a venue, recruiting volunteers, preparing for the event, and executing the event. You will find the events that best meet your financial and social goals and objectives. Now you can reach your fundraising goals in exciting and original ways. Whether it is for your school, sports team, church, or any other group or nonprofit organization, you will find your next event here.

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