Hello, Lied the Agent: And Other Bullshit You Hear as a Hollywood TV Writer Review

Hello, Lied the Agent: And Other Bullshit You Hear as a Hollywood TV Writer
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There are many books about the entertainment business but I'm not aware of any besides 'Hello, Lied The Agent' which manage to capture the often agonizing, occasionally ecstatic day to day life of a TV writer in the process of developing a new series...
Gurvitz's book features quotable lines on just about every page ("It's been said that in Hollywood, friends don't want friends to fail; friends want friends to die") and a comprehensive overview of the television landscape valuable to anyone who's ever wanted to know how shows - brilliant or execrable - proceed from concept to airing (or more likely oblivion).
Take it from someone who didn't write the book; it is a great read...

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Gurvitz presents a corrosively funny insider's look at what being a television writer is really all about. In his personal journal, he details two years of his life--the dizzying ups and downs, the rewrites, the executives, the pitch meetings, the table readings, the studios, and the networks in a riveting expos.

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