City Smart: Austin Review

City Smart: Austin
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Like the last reviewer, I too was considering a work-related move to Austin. I wanted a guide book that could give me a quick and easy entry into what Austin had to offer a tourist and potential resident. This guide book gave me a good overview of Austin while I was there -- it wasn't just an index or list of area attractions and businesses: It contained a lot of useful 'tips' interspersed through out the book and the maps were clear and well integrated with the text.
I had some reservations before I bought this because the maps were not in color. However, the maps were clear and concise. Rather than clutter up 1 map with icons for restaurants, attractions, etc., the maps were repeated in each section of the guide, and contained only the relevant data for that section; this made using them very easy. I'd also say that the authors of the book were very generous with the number and variety of maps.
Overall, the design of the book made reading and finding information easy. Good use of bold type made flipping through and finding stuff easy too.
In the end, I got the Austin job and will be moving there soon. As a future Austin resident, I think this will still be the only guide I need.

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Home to the University of Texas and Huston-Tillotson College (the oldest African-American college in the nation), Austin boasts a highly educated population. This newly revised guide highlights cultural events, museums, music clubs, and beautiful natural surroundings.

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