Confessions of a Band Geek Mom: One exhausted parent's take on carpools, room mothers, high school band, and hernias Review

Confessions of a Band Geek Mom: One exhausted parent's take on carpools, room mothers, high school band, and hernias
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When I stumble on a really good book, my wife has learned that the weekend's scheduled projects just aren't going to get done. My sister Stacy's new book is in that category (my last distraction was David McCullough's "The Greater Journey", which my dearest friend Karol bought for me, fully knowing the consequences). My enjoyment of "Confessions of a Band Geek Mom" can be compared to my enjoyment of anything written by Mr. McCullough, which if you know me, is a big compliment. Stacy's book is one which, if you have to get up for work in the morning, you're going to be in trouble. Expect to read it cover to cover, and then log back on to Amazon to order several more for your friends. It is a fine balance of humor, drama, nodding your head in agreement, and fond family memories. Thanks, Stacy, for the journey. I'm looking forward to continuing on the path together. Love from your brother Coulter.

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Stand-up comic and writer/filmmaker Stacy Dymalski learned about parenting the hard way; she became one. After 36 years of childless living spoiled her into believing happy hour was just a normal part of one's daily commute, she moved to Utah (to ski everyday, of course) and within a year got pregnant. (Isn't that what happens to any woman who moves to Utah?)Before she knew it she had two young sons and suddenly sleep won out over midnight comedy shows. Juicy Juice replaced Gray Goose vodka (although they are good mixed). Prada bags gave way to diaper bags. Showers couldn't last longer than a "Bob the Builder" video. Vacations took a back seat to music lessons, and band instruments littered the house like empty beer bottles in a college dorm. And for the first 10 years of her sons' lives she felt compelled to clean up her language (sort of).In between carpools and doing crazy stuff like lobbying for sex education in schools (so our kids don't grow up thinking the missionary position involves a bicycle and a doorbell) Stacy has documented her parenting journey in this delightful collection of laugh-out-loud stories that her children are sure to contest once they're old enough to understand the art of irony and exaggeration.

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