How Can You NOT Laugh at a Time Like This?: Reclaim Your Health with Humor, Creativity, and Grit Review

How Can You NOT Laugh at a Time Like This: Reclaim Your Health with Humor, Creativity, and Grit
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This little book is big on helpful advice and creative ideas. Carla Ulbrich shows us how we can all have an influence on our health and indeed, our lives. We can take charge of a lot, rather than just be reactive to what happens to us. This book is highly recommended. It focuses on the role of laughter and who can't use more laughter in their life? This book is recommended for everyone who is sick, and everyone who is well and wants to stay that way. The stories are short so can be read anytime you have a few minutes to spare.

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Having a sense of humor is essential to health, says singer-songwriter Carla Ulbrich, who has found laughter to be a lifesaver during tough times. Under the stress of multiple illnesses and constant health ''care,'' Ulbrich one day snapped and became the Singing Patient. She channeled her hard won victories, set about reclaiming her health, and penned How Can You NOT Laugh at a Time Like This?, a collection of short, inspiring, funny essays that help people thrive and celebrate life despite illness. As Ulbrich spins her tale (and shares some songs), she lampoons common fears and prejudices about illness and lovingly lambastes the foibles of the medical industry. She offers heartfelt and humorous advice for navigating mainstream and alternative therapies, and she guides partners, families, and friends who wish to help their loved ones. Her candid insights, wisecracking commentary, handy lists, hilarious song lyrics, and gentle camaraderie will put a smile on the face of anyone who wants to face illness with courage and humor.

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Lonely Planet Cape Town (City Travel Guide) Review

Lonely Planet Cape Town (City Travel Guide)
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If you are used to typical Lonely Planet travel guides than you may find this book frustrating. I appreciate the normal method of splitting the book into locations and then giving all the details on lodging, food, activities, etc. This book has all of the lodging in one chapter so you have to weed through and find a place in the specific area of town you want to stay in. Same for food. I found it way too time consuming to sort through and find a restaurant on the Waterfront instead of just looking up the Waterfront section and having a map with food, etc. We ended up using the LP Southern Africa book instead and this one was just a paperweight. It does have great info on everything but I just don't like the way it's laid out. If you are just looking to learn about Cape Town and plan a vacation then it's worth your while, but don't rely just on this book.

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Discover Cape TownSee how Cape Town plays 'the world game' - pick a local football team, grab your plastic trumpet and support your boys with thousands of other cheering fansLearn the easy ways (and the hard ways) to climb Table MountainFind your way around Cape Town's delicious cuisines, whether seafood (meaty snoek), African (tasty, fried chakalaka), or Afrikaner (spicy boerewors)Discover the most eco-friendly ways to get face to face with Jaws, while shark-cage diving off the coastIn This Guide:Over 700 hours of on-the-road research, three expert authors, 32 detailed mapsUnparalleled wines and wineries coverage - find out which of Cape Town's 200 wineries is worth a visit, and how to identify a good drop once you get thereGet off the tourist trail - discover the Cape Town that only the locals know, with interviews, tips and advice from locals in the know

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Lonely Planet Chicago Encounter Review

Lonely Planet Chicago Encounter
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I bought the Lonely Planet Encounter for New York City, and loved it. So, I decided to buy the Encounter for Chicago for an upcoming buisness trip. While the book lives up to its NYC counterpart in convenient size, easy to read maps, key attractions (and how to get there on public transit), I found the author's tone horribly distracting. He is very condesending of anything "touristy," "middle class," or "consumerist." The author seems to resent even having to mention things tourists might want to see like the Sears Tower or the Magnificent Mile. An entire half-page is devoted to a low income housing development that doesn't even exist anymore. He also wastes space writing about how Chicago is a great city when he could be informing us of what great things are in the city.
So, I would say get this guide as an easy to carry, fast to find what you're looking for guide, but just avoid reading too much of the author's commentary!

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What Will Your Chicago Encounter Be?Laughing yourself silly at an improv show at Second CityDiving into a gooey slice of deep-dish pizza at no-frills Pequod's PizzaFloating in the shadow of steely giants on an architectural river cruiseGetting the blues at authentic joints such as Rosa's LoungeRooting for the home teat at Wrigley FieldDiscovering beauty in the unexpected at the Art InstituteDiscover Twice The City in Half The TimeFull-color pull-out map and detailed neighborhood maps for easy navigationOur expert author recommends the very best sights, shops, restaurants and entertainmentUnique itineraries and highlights help you make the most of a short tripMeet the locals: a gourmet hot-dog purveyor, a gospel-choir leader and a Director of Education at the National Museum of Mexican Art

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Uncle John's Unsinkable Bathroom Reader (Uncle John's Bathroom Reader) Review

Uncle John's Unsinkable Bathroom Reader (Uncle John's Bathroom Reader)
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You have to give the Bathroom Readers' Institute credit. Twenty-odd years ago they hit on a winning formula and haven't looked back since. Thousands of pages later here comes version 21, all 541 pages of it! And, just like its predecessors, it delivers the goods - tons of quirky yet fascinating facts and bits of trivia.
As with other Bathroom Readers, BRI has divided the info into categories such as Bathroom Lore, Fads & Flops, Sports, Origins, Forgotten History and Creatures Features along with new categories like Canadiana. Features are broken down into Short (Quick Read), Medium (2-3 pages), Long and Extended.
It's probably just me but I couldn't work up the same enthusiasm I once had for the latest Bathroom Reader, hence the 4 star rating. As much as I enjoyed much of the book, I have to admit I skipped some sections. Maybe just a case of Bathroom Reader Burn-out!?!
Having said that, I don't doubt trivia buffs, lifelong learners, etc. will enjoy this latest offering of odd yet interesting info. Recommended.

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With this all-new 21st edition, Uncle John's Unsinkable Bathroom Reader, Uncle John and his crack staff of writers prove that after more than two decades in the business, they're still at the top of their game. Since 1987, the Bathroom Readers' Institute has led the movement to stand up for those who sit down and read in the bathroom (and everywhere else for that matter). With more than 11 million books in print, the Uncle John's Bathroom Reader series is the longest-running, most popular series of its kind in the world.Who else but Uncle John could tell you about the tapeworm diet, 44 things to do with a coconut, and the history of the Comstock Lode? Uncle John rules the world of information and humor, so get ready to be thoroughly entertained. Read all about…7 (underwater) places to see before you dieMedical miracles (and medical horrors)The godfather of fitnessHigh-tech underwearThe CSI effectAnd much more!

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Miracle Review

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I started reading Deborah Smith's work with BLUE WILLOW, and from there, moved backward in time to her other books. Both MIRACLE and BLUE WILLOW have a permanent place on my bookshelves, and I doubt I'll ever loan them out, either, since I'd be afraid to lose them. Even now, I sometime reread portions just as one would revisit a good friend. This book has been out a while, so at some point it's likely to go out of print, which will be too bad. It's a long and satisfying romantic tale of suffering, renewal, and redemption, with believable characters, deeply rooted passion, and a well-researched plot and setting. It is not the sort of book that one reads in one setting; plan on giving it the time it deserves. If you like a full-bodied romantic novel that leaves you feeling like you've shared a part of the characters' lives and loves, buy this book and keep it.

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Haunted by a past filled with poverty and abuse, Amy Miracle finds escape and release in the vineyards of Georgia--and in Sebastian de Savin, a brilliant and arrogant surgeon whose own past has hardened his heart. Amy finally breaks through de Savin's shell and teaches him to love and laugh again, and Sebastian helps Amy blossom into a magnificent woman.

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The Rough Guide to London Review

The Rough Guide to London
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There isn't much about greater London that isn't covered in this guidebook. The author's tone is often pretty cynical, but if you want to avoid--or at least be warned about--the very touristy and/or the very cheesy, this is probably the book for you.

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Russell Brand: Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know Review

Russell Brand: Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know
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Reading this book is like reading an old entry in Encyclopædia Britannica: detailed but dull.

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The summer of 2006 belonged to Russell Brand. It seemed as if the gangly motor-mouth, who resembled nothing so much as a Dickensian villain with a birdsnest on his head, was a sensation everywhere. From being the commentator on Big Brother to upstaging Jonathan Ross on the chat show king's own program, there was no escaping Russell's lewd, innuendo-laden humor. But Russell's career has been long and varied. In fact, it looked as if it was all over for him back in 2001 when he turned up for work at MTV the day after the September 11 attacks dressed as Osama Bin Laden. That he managed to make such an amazing comeback is testament to his outstanding abilities. Russell's personal life has been as wild and unconventional as his career and something that he draws freely upon for his comedy. He has talked openly about his former use of drugs and his sex life. It's no wonder he's talked about as the brightest new star in the country. Find out all about the enigmatic Russell Brand, in this, the first biography.

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Frommer's England 2011: with Wales (Frommer's Complete Guides) Review

Frommer's England 2011: with Wales (Frommer's Complete Guides)
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This book skims the cities and towns of England. Little or no information about using buses and trains from one place to another. There must be better guide books out there on the subject.

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Completely updated every year (unlike most of the competition), Frommer's England 2011 features gorgeous color maps, a detachable foldout map of London, and details on all of the country's top cities, villages, gardens, countryside destinations, and more.
Frommer's England 2011 details the best overall travel experiences, from pub crawls to antique shopping to theater-going; the best of literary England (Stratford-upon-Avon, Jane Austen country, and more); the best ancient and Roman sites, including Roman baths and "Hadrian's Wall"; the best museums and galleries, from the Tate Modern to the National Museum of Wales; and the best hotels and restaurants in all price categories. You'll also find over 130 pages devoted to the best of London, including the best nearby driving tours and day trips by train.

It's all done with the trademark Frommer's attention to style, accuracy, and detail, including updated addresses and exact prices. Read an in-depth guide to England's art and architecture, and get the latest trip-planning advice on everything from bargain airfares to rail passes.

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How to Talk to Famous People: and make your grandma laugh Review

How to Talk to Famous People: and make your grandma laugh
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In between nonsensical statements and silly stories are delicious nuggets of wisdom bathed in witty humor and spiced by straight-up questions left for you to answer. I'm over half done and only purchased it this morning. It's a few bucks, an easy read, and on a couple occasions it left me in tears ... from laughing so hard. I can't imagine why someone wouldn't get a kick out of this book and I heartily recommend it to everyone.
Also ... the style reminds me of Jack Handey's "Deep Thoughts" which is a compliment in my opinion.

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There is a problem. There are too many socially awkward people in the world. Statistically speaking, you are one of them. With that kind of dilemma, how will you ever talk to a famous person?Through a collection of humorous and random observations, 'How to Talk to Famous People" is ready to shatter your comfort zone. Get ready to embark on a journey that finally reorganizes your passions in the right direction.My desire is to wake you up to your dreams, make you smile, and help you become socially less awkward. Good luck."I could have invented the light bulb, but I was born in 1985." - Tommy Leonard

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Lonely Planet East Coast Australia (Regional Travel Guide) Review

Lonely Planet East Coast Australia (Regional Travel Guide)
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Just received this newly updated August 2011 edition. We are planning trip next year to East coast of Australia. We haven't traveled yet, so can't vouch for the reliability of the data. But, on initial review it looks quite good. Well organized. Easy to find stuff based on location or interest. Good maps. A lot to digest... but I think this will be the one guide we take with us on our trip next year. Compared to another East Coast Australia guide we bought, this one seems to have a lot more bang for the buck.

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'Beautiful beaches, cosmopolitan cities, rainforests and the Great Barrier Reef are just a few reasons why so many fall under the spell of Australia's east coast." - Regis St. Louis, Lonely Planet WriterOur PromiseYou can trust our travel information because Lonely Planet authors visit the places we write about, each and every edition. We never accept freebies for positive coverage, and you can rely on us to tell it like we see it.Inside This Book'8 authors94 maps1 Big Banana18,000 km of coastlineInspirational photosClear, easy-to-use mapsAt-a-glance practical infoYour Reef Trip planning featureComprehensive planning toolsIn-depth background

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Laughter: A Scientific Investigation Review

Laughter: A Scientific Investigation
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Don't expect to get lots of laughs by just reading _Laughter: A Scientific Investigation_ (Viking) by Robert R. Provine. It's not merely that Provine is covering a serious subject. He is as good as his word: his book is a scientific investigation, and he is neuroscientist by profession who has done original research on laughter published in such non-newsstand rags as _Ethology_ and _Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society_. And it's not that Provine is an unentertaining, dour writer; he has a light touch, and good explicative skills, he is happy to share a joke, and his stories about some of the ways he has done experiments are funny. For instance, we can share his bemusement over his initial explorations of why people laugh; he got a group into a clinic and played them funny tapes. He failed to get anything but a few chuckles. It was his first demonstration that laughter was a social behavior, not a laboratory one. He went on to study people in social situations.
Similarly, the reason you can't expect to laugh much from reading Provine's book is found in the book itself. Laughter is not something you can most reliably expect to do alone reading a book; it is something we do as a social behavior. Its "sociality," the ratio of social to solitary performance of the act, is very high. Provine had his undergraduate students keep logs of their behavior, including laughing, and found that we are thirty times more likely to laugh when with someone else. Another study showed that eye contact between two companions increases the likelihood of laughter. Laughter has a nonlinguistic role of holding people together.
Provine writes about many other curious studies, about the illnesses that can impair or propagate laughter, about the neurological explorations of the under-researched universal behavior of tickling, about the physiology of laughter and speech, about laugh epidemics that can paralyze schools, and about the Pentecostals that get "drunk in the Spirit" with laugh sessions. Wide-ranging and entertaining, _Laughter_ provides us with interesting studies on something we take for granted, and gives insight on just how hard doing such studies can be because of the commonness of the phenomenon involved. Provine wisely does not concentrate on wit, humor, or the meaning of things that influence us to laugh. It's laughter itself that is the subject, and given the nature of the theme, one comes away with even more admiration for the subtlety, cleverness, and capacity of the human mind.

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Top 10 San Diego (EYEWITNESS TOP 10 TRAVEL GUIDE) Review

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I love DK books and this one is no exeption! It was everything I expected from DK and more. I bought this book for a trip to San Diego that my husband and I recently took. This book was a lifesaver! The maps in the book were clear and easy to follow, the information on different sites was great; we carried this book with us in the camera bag and refered to it often. The maps were clear enough that we used them to successfully navigate through the city (I also had seperately purchased a very expensive laminated map of the city which proved to be useless and a waste of money). If you want the basics (top 10 everything) and a really good set of maps, this is definately the book for you! The book refers to the sunsets at Point Loma - don't miss this! They were absolutely breathtaking! By talking to the locals, we found several great restaurants that were not "touristy" and therefore not listed in the book. We were pleased with all recommendations, but Fish Tacos at South Beach Bar in Ocean Beach is a must! Inexpensive ($3 & $4), fresh and delicious!

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DK Eyewitness Top 10: San Diego will lead you straight to the best attractions that this ocean-side city has to offer. Whether you are looking for hip bars in the Gas lamp quarter, beautiful parks and gardens, or fun places for children such as the world famous San Diego Zoo or SeaWorld, this guide is the perfect pocket-sized companion. Rely on the dozens of Top 10 lists from the Top 10 museums and art galleries to the Top 10 beaches and Top 10 harbor sites to save you time and money. There's even a list of budget tips and the Top 10 things to avoid! DK Eyewitness Top 10: San Diego is packed with color illustrations, providing the insider knowledge that every visitor needs on a trip to this sunny city. Each Top 10 guide now contains a pull-out map and guide that includes fold-out maps of city metro systems, useful phone numbers, and 60 great ideas on how to spend your day.Your guide to the Top 10 best of everything in San Diego.

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1,000 Places to See in the United States and Canada Before You Die, updated ed. Review

1,000 Places to See in the United States and Canada Before You Die, updated ed.
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Let me get my chief complaints out of the way first: this author loves to eat. It sometimes seems that every other entry is a restaurant or local culinary hot-spot, from "Cheese Country" to "Big Pig Jig." These are not destinations, they're cuisines. Subtract those, and you probably have a book better titled 900 Places to See Before You Die. (Assuming all the eating doesn't kill you at number 600.)
Another minor quibble: some of the "places" are actually events, like Burning Man and the Indianapolis 500. I'll overlook it...
She also likes to go in style, and apparently hasn't met a spa she didn't like. Subtract all the ultra-ritzy exclusive hotel/spas, sculpture gardens, resorts, dude ranches and expensive art galleries, which are likely either of out reach financially or simply not of interest to a large base of the potential audience, and you're down to 500 Places to See.
So, then, if you can get it for half price, you've got a bargain.
Now, onto the good things. There are many, despite my protestations above. First is the very idea of the book. It's fun and interesting to see such a list compiled; invariably something important gets left out, but what is created by the greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts compilation is a true sense of America as a destination in its own right, worth of as much attention as any other in the world.
Also, I was made aware of many places I wouldn't have found otherwise, like the Yoder Popcorn Shoppe in Topeka, Indiana. There are many hidden treasures in these pages.
Finally, despite being top-heavy with attractions for the chic looky-loo set as mentioned above, the book is saved from being completely out of touch by its inclusion of attractions that appeal to a broad section of people (as would befit a book about America). Burning Man Festival is here, as is the State Fair of Texas, the Civil Rights Trail, and others.
My strong recommendation is that a second book be created called "1000 Places to Dine Before You Die," (though the publisher may not want to have the words "dine" and "die" so close together), and all the restaurant entries removed from this and placed there. Then the gap filled with what got left out of this book and should have been in in the first place.

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Dancing with Death: The True Story of a Glamorous Showgirl, her Wealthy Husband, and a Horrifying Murder Review

Dancing with Death: The True Story of a Glamorous Showgirl, her Wealthy Husband, and a Horrifying Murder
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This is a great first book for the author. I had trouble putting the book down and would recommend it to friends who like true crime type books. I'm glad we now have another author I can depend on to bring me a great read.

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Phoenix, Arizona, 2004. Former stripper turned suburban housewife Marjorie Orbin filed a missing person's report on her husband. She claimed that Jay, a successful art dealer, had left town on business after celebrating their son's birthday more than a month before. Jay loved his family more than life itself—and no one believed he would ever abandon them. Authorities suspected foul play…A WIFE LYING IN WAITThe search for Jay made local headlines. But key elements in Marjorie's story still weren't adding up: Why did she wait so long before going to police? If Jay was away on business, as she claimed, why were there charges made to his credit card in Phoenix? Then, the unthinkable happened.A SHOCKING DISCOVERYJay's headless, limbless torso was discovered on the outskirts of the Phoenix desert—and all evidence pointed to Marjorie as the killer. Soon, an exhaustive investigation would reveal surprising new details about her life—six previous marriages, an ongoing and passionate affair with a man from her gym, alleged ties to the New York mafia, a drug habit—and lead to her conviction for the murder and dismemberment of her seventh husband.With 8 pages of dramatic photos

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The Dante Club Review

The Dante Club
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Every few years a book is written that breaks the mold of the standard mystery/thriller fare. Umberto Eco's "Name of the Rose", Martin Cruz Smith's "Rose", more recently Boston Teran's "God is a Bullet", to name a few. "The Dante Club", the remarkable debut of writer Matthew Pearl, is another example that represents a bold, ambitious, and refreshing approach to the familiar serial killer "who-dunnit".
I'll admit that at first I was somewhat leery of the concept: the Fireside Poets - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and James Russell Lowell cast as investigators of a string of horrific murders? An ambitious premise for a novel, for sure, but more aptly, bizarre and ripe with risk. Pearl, however, pulls this off with a curious combination of the poet's love of the language and the storyteller's knack for pace and action.
The "Dante Club" refers to the group assembled by Longfellow - including Holmes and Lowell - to assist him in the first American translation of Dante's "Devine Comedy". As people in high places - a judge, a minister, a wealthy merchant - turn up tortured and murdered in scenes recreating those described in Dante's classic, the poets hit the streets of Boston and Cambridge in search of the killer. The result is an exceptionally well-researched book that is rich in historical detail while capturing the post-Civil War American psyche and culture. Pearl's description of the Civil War horrors and post-war trama is especially gripping. Not since "Silence of the Lambs" or "Se7en" have murders been so brutally and vividly portrayed, as the victims are variously eaten-alive by maggots, buried upside-down and set on fire, and (literally) cut in half. Yet despite the graphic butchery, this is a book that must not be rushed, but savored for the intricacy of the plot and the intensity of the prose. It is the rare book that draws the reader to revisit the poetry of Longfellow, US history in the wake of the Civil War, and the mystery of Dante in 19th century America. In summary, a stunning first novel from a writer destined to become a household name. Don't miss it!

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Insiders' Guide to Portland, Oregon, 7th (Insiders' Guide Series) Review

Insiders' Guide to Portland, Oregon, 7th (Insiders' Guide Series)
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THE INSIDERS' GUIDE TO PORTLAND, OREGON, 7TH (INSIDERS' GUIDE SERIES) is a great book about the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area, including such Portland neighborhoods as Hillsdale, Council Crest, Alameda, and the West Hills, as well as such suburbs as Oregon City, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, Gresham, West Linn, and Clark County, Washington. Included are descriptions of everything you need to know about recreation, dining, nightlife, shopping, sightseeing, and culture in the area, as well as some exciting day trips. The radio station list has been updated, as have the average house prices for each area. If you buy this book along with THE NEWCOMER'S HANDBOOK FOR MOVING TO AND LIVING IN PORTLAND, BEST PLACES PORTLAND, and FODOR'S IN FOCUS PORTLAND, you'll have everything you need to know about the City of Roses at your fingertips. Whether you're moving to Portland, or are just interested in American geography, you'll really enjoy this book.

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Insiders' Guide to Portland, Oregon is the essential source for in-depth travel and relocation information for this truly diverse city. Written by a local (and true insider), Insiders' Guide to Portland, Oregon offers a personal and practical perspective of Portland and its surrounding environs. In addition to the text being fully revised and updated, the 6th edition features a new cover treatment.

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Frommer's New England (Frommer's Complete Guides) Review

Frommer's New England (Frommer's Complete Guides)
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I have never bought a Frommer's Guide Book before, and now after I purchased this one, I am a loyal customer! I found it extremely insightful as to the most quaint New England towns to visit, which are the best routes to get there, practical information on the restaurants in town as well as their price ranges for any type of budgets - as well as advice on the many different bed and breakfasts that are available. This book caters to all travel styles, preferences and budgets. I planned most of my vacation with this book because it had phone numbers, prices, excellent directions... I could probably go on and on. Definitely a must for anyone who is traveling and not familiar with the area. It's like talking to someone who has lived in New England their whole life and is on hand to give you all the practical information you need to have a successful and fun/relaxing vacation. As if the book weren't great enough - they give you a wonderful full-sized pullout map that has all the towns marked on it which are mentioned in the book.

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Catch a sunrise over the rocky shores of Pemaquid Point, Maine, and its famous lighthouse. See chapter 14.

Free pocket map inside,plus easy-to-read maps throughout

Exact prices, directions, opening hours,and other practical information

Candid reviews of hotels and restaurants,plus sights, shopping, and nightlife

Itineraries, walking tours, and trip-planning ideas

Insider tips from local expert authors

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