BABY BOOMERS SPEAK: 187 things we've learned that you need to know NOW ... whatever your age Review

BABY BOOMERS SPEAK: 187 things we've learned that you need to know NOW ... whatever your age
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Rix Quinn's book, Baby Boomers Speak, is a wonderful and amusing take on my generation. His comments made me chuckle and his book offered a point of departure for some of my friends as we reminisced about "the good old days" of our childhood and youth. Were we ever that innocent and trusting? Yes, by golly, we were and thank goodness. The Lone Ranger, Roy Rogers, Sergeant Preston, and Annie Oakley rode across the plains of my memory and I longed to fly once more with Sky King with Lassie by my side. This is an easy read and a book that is not limited to us "boomers." Boomer children and grandchildren should read it to understand what it was like then.

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"Baby Boomers Speak!" invited several Americans born from 1946-1964 to tell what events, school subjects, and people made the strongest impressions on them. Because we agreed not to print their names, these individuals shared remarkable details with us. Here's some of what we discovered:n Seven things a bunch of us share.n How we rated our school years'and our teachers.n The most memorable days of our lives.n The people who influenced us most.n Nine tips to make class reunions something special.n 25 startling predictions for Boomers and their children.n 'and much more!

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