The Escape Artists: True Stories of People Who Turned Their Obsessions Into Professions Review

The Escape Artists: True Stories of People Who Turned Their Obsessions Into Professions
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Have you ever thought that you'd rather be doing something else with your life? Do you have a hobby or obsession that you'd love to turn into your full-time job? Here are the people who have done just that... The Escape Artists: True Stories of People Who Turned Their Obsessions Into Professions by Joshua Piven. On top of good reading entertainment, it may give you the push you need to make changes...
Contents: From Fandom to the Final Frontier; Wall Street Meets Special Ops; Freaks, Flamethrowers, and Phenoms; Extreme Entrepreneurship; Slop Gags and Frozen Pipes; How to Keep a Drug Kingpin from Getting Too Rich; Rebels, Headhunters, Piglets, and Other Adventures Downriver; You're Funny, But Can You Tell A Joke?; Riding Your Obsession; A Harvard Physician Goes Off the Grid; How to Make Your Escape; Notes
Joshua Piven wrote The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook series, which is useful and humorous all at the same time. He continues that style of writing in Escape Artists. He's taken a number of people who have turned aside from the big-money jobs and "normal" society expectations to pursue their personal dreams and obsessions as their full-time professions. In some cases, it's a transition that isn't seen often, like Mark Divine going from an auditing career to a slot in the Army Rangers. In other examples, it's someone going after a full-time career that is off the regular radar screen, like Karen DeSanto becoming a circus clown after auditioning at Clown College. And there's the person chasing his dream even though time is running out and the chance of success is minute... Chuck Bechtel trying to become a major-league pitcher after spending so many years in the minors. These aren't all "feel good" or "happy ending" stories, either. Bechtel's experience is one where he had all the tools when he was young, but overuse and injuries conspired to prevent the jump from college phenom to major-league pitcher. But dreams die hard, and even toiling away in minor leagues for little pay is still preferable to giving up hope completely. But in all the cases, these people have learned that being "normal" or well-paid isn't the path to happiness. Doing something you love is worth the sacrifices, and it often can turn out to be a career.
This book will both entertain and fire up your imagination. If you find yourself working just to finance your dreams, then this may be the motivation you need to allow your dreams to *be* your life.

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What do a stand-up comedian, an extreme skier, a Navy SEAL, a minor league pitcher, a wilderness doctor, and a circus clown have in common?

They are Escape Artists!

For nine years, New York Times bestselling author Joshua Piven has been tracking down and interviewing alligator wrestlers, race car drivers, giant octopus hunters, animal trackers, and treasure hunters. What drives these escape artists to make job choices that are extraordinary, dangerous, or just plain wacky? They don't "drop out"; they embrace self-fulfillment and personal freedom as they craft a life on the road less traveled-and show all of us how to pursue our own dreams…if we dare.

By following their journeys, you'll learn how you might be able to become an escape artist yourself-and leave the cubicle behind. You'll see how these intrepid adventurers avoided the trap of a job they hated; navigated the issues of money, security, and safety nets; and knew when to make the crucial leap to a better and more enjoyable career.

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