Television Game Show Hosts: Biographies of 32 Stars Review

Television Game Show Hosts: Biographies of 32 Stars
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This book has been out for well over a year. Hard to believe I'm the first to review it. Maybe it's because a lot of people find the price to be expensive, it is a hard cover book. Anyway, true to the advertisement, 32 hosts are covered in the book, past and present. Die hard game show fans of the 60s thru the 90s will not be dissapointed. Bob Barker, Regis Philbin, Alex Trebek, Gene Rayburn, Bill Cullen, Allen Ludden, Monty Hall and more are in here. Each host gets his own chapter. The good and the bad are discussed, so Barker's lawsuits are covered, though most of that info is what you probably know already. Early hosts like Bud Collyer, John Charles Daly and Garry Moore also are mentioned. Their starts, other jobs and for the ones still alive, a bit of their personal lives are discussed. The author did a good research job and I don't believe I found any glaring errors, and I'm a big fan of most game show hosts.
The cutoff point for the host era seems to be the late 80s, so recent hosts like Howie Mandel, Jeff Foxworthy and Drew Carey are NOT covered. But there are some good insights from most of the hosts, like what Monty Hall really thought of his version of "Beat the Clock" and Geoff Edwards telling how the "Treasure Hunt" crew searched the area around the studio for a stolen car that was supposed to be a prize on the show - like a Cadillac or Rolls Royce.
Beware, this is a book you'll probably have to place an order with at a bookstore and pay up front. But if you want to know a little more about the hosts and the game shows they hosted - it's probably worth the price. does have it - that's how I got it.

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This unique work profiles the private lives and careers of 32 American game show hosts, including the originals (e.g., Bill Cullen, Peter Marshall), the classics (e.g., Bob Barker), and the contemporaries (e.g., Regis Philbin). Organized alphabetically by host, each chapter begins with a personal profile including dates and places of birth, family information, and a complete career history. Immediately following is a detailed biography highlighting the most significant developments of each host's early life and career, complete with successes, failures, and scandals. Frequently, the biography is accompanied by personal interviews with the host and/or his family and closest friends.

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